Chapter 2: A Teacher and A Father

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Insomnia - Throne Room

Knowing full well that King Regis would still be out and about with young Y/n, the king's Marshall was patiently awaiting his return although his own trip back to the Throne Room wasn't without pause as Gladiolus Amicitia, the Prince's sworn shield had requested the Marshall to look into the whereabouts of his younger sister Iris, knowing that Regis had the means to make the younger of the two Amicitia Y/n's sworn shield the Marshall had agreed and requested the locations that Gladiolus had searched for his younger sister before resuming his trek to the throne room. As Cor found his thoughts once again drifting to the young boy he rescued from Traxis the Marshall was soon brought back to reality as the familiar voice of the King's Shield resonated throughout the hall.

"Thinking about the boy again are you Cor? Have you developed a soft spot for him? Here I thought you weren't exactly capable of something so ... sympathetic, I mean no disrespect by any means, it just surprises me that this has occurred. It's a nice change of pace to your usual gruff attitude Marshall."

"It would seem that your words harbor truth Clarus, that boy is something entirely. To be able to access the crystal's power without being directly exposed to it, can only mean one thing. That he is the next in line to be chosen to serve the six."

"Then the boy will need training. But who will do it? I barely have the time as I need to tend to the Crownsguard, and you know what some of those knuckleheads can get up to at times."

"Do I ever, much like Squall constantly trying to improve his Gun-blade, he's still attempting to 'borrow' the components from the armory, and by borrow I mean steal without asking so he keeps getting caught, I'm surprised he hasn't been thrown in a cell yet."

As Cor and Clarus shared a good laugh the main doors to the throne room opened revealing King Regis and the young boy that Cor rescued a few days ago from the outlying town of Traxis. Bidding his colleague farewell, Clarus left to attend to his duties as Regis and Y/n approached the Marshall prompting the man to give the boy and his old friend a small smile.

"Cor, glad to see you made it back. Anything to report?"

"All quiet for now sire, although Gladiolus did stop me briefly. His sister has gone missing again, she's probably just at one of her normal hiding places but being the overprotective older brother that he is, he asked me to have a look for her."

"I see. Well then, this is a perfect opportunity for young Y/n here to learn the lay of the city, after all if he's going to become my ward we can't have him wandering around aimlessly can we."

"Wait, what?"

Hearing the words fall on his ears, the young boy's head instantly began switching from Cor to Regis and back to Cor, prompting the Marshall to direct his gaze towards the king with an inquisitive expression. As Regis simply gave the two a closed eye smile in response to the two people currently in his company.

"You didn't tell him did you?"

"Well it may have slipped my mind, after all young Y/n here is quite the dream chaser. He wants to become a Kingsglaive, what do you think Cor, you think he can make it into the Glaives?"

"It'll take some serious training, and given his current limitations with his connection with the crystal's power. But given time, I do actually believe that he'd make a fine addition to the Glaives."

"Then it's settled, as of now Y/n's training shall fall to your jurisdiction Cor. I know you won't fail me or the boy in this endeavor."

"I won't sire, you have my word as your Marshall."

"Very well Cor, I leave Y/n in your care for now. Please show him around Insomnia and ... you should probably search for Iris while you're at it."

"We shall leave immediately sire. Come along Y/n, Insomnia's a big place and as King Regis said, we don't want you getting lost."

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