SEVEN DEADLY SINS (inspired poem)
W-ho do you think you are?
R-uining my ruined heart
A-mid my stillness, I'm at war
with my ownself
T-old you to stop before I
detonate but your ears defy
H-ush and feel my wrath
until you die---
E-verything that I'm not is her
N-ot a single fabric running in my
system pleases you, what
should I do?
V-ictory! Her heart! Oh how the
hot, red fluid drips down
Y-ou, come and love me, in my
red hand the thing you love
most about her---
her pumping heart!---
G-iving him up is what I did
R-enowned, to be noted is what
I think I deserved
E-xcess baggage, that was
him for me
E-nveloped with greed
D-esiring to have this tiny world
made me lost him,
my colossal universe---
S-ight of you in his arms,
L-osing you awakened me
O-h I regret it, I wished I
made an effort for you to stay
T-oo confident that you won't go
H-ear me out, I want you back,
but indolence is eating me up---
L-ove, running is futile
U-nspoken flame of my heart,
sense it
S-urrender yourself unto me
T-his lust that I will unveil,
I kept it
since the day I pronounced
"You may now kiss the bride."
to your now murdered husband---
G-naw and gnaw
L-ook at me now
U-nder the spell of a bitter potion
T-his is an escape for me
T-o replay the
memories we once shared
O-utrageous! What is
this foggy vision?
N-o! It's showing me
the day you gave her a ring
Y-our love, give it to me even if
it's just a make-believe
but even the alcohol finds
it hard to create an illusion
of our happily ever after---
P-ardon is what I ask not
R-eaching out to others
is not my style
I-am right and you are
eternally wrong
D-isobey me and taste death
E-veryone fears me,
looks up on me but my soul
is alone and empty***
/I am recommending Nanatsu no Taizai (Seven deadly sins) if you are a fan of anime and looking for one. I am currently watching the season 3 online at matagal-tagal na rin noong huling na-hook ako sa anime. And boom, I tried making a poem using the seven deadly sins [though it's not that relevant to the Sins (characters in the anime)], sorry if it's lame for you. Happy 100! Thank you!/
PoetryHere lies the speck of words orbiting in my own galaxy that was once lost but finally found its own constellation.