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"Hey," I said when I walked in.

"Hello, time for my weekly rearranging? It's only been a day." Raina said from under her hood.

"No, I'm going to be your guide... we believe your nightmares are visions of the future," I didn't bother using the fourth dimension explanation, since I had to explain a million different things to the last person. "Our powers are similar, we both can see into the fourth dimension-the future."

"How do you expect to be my guide if our visions are different, unless you're telling me you saw Skye at dinner in your dreams."

"I'm going to connect us-our minds I mean... our minds are connected to the time dimension, you think a certain thought, or learn a different thing, the future can change. I'm going to make our minds as one, similar to how some twin minds work-except a bit stronger than that..." I didn't know how else to put it. I'd only done this once by accident when I was transitioning and it didn't end well. "I'll be able to see the same visions as you and same the other way around, that way I'll be able to know how to help you."

I walked over to her and held out my left hand. I didn't wait for her to agree, I just wanted to get this over with. "Hold out your hand," surprisingly she complied and held her hand out. Her knuckles also had spines on them, same with the top of her arms.

I grabbed her arm right below the inside of her elbow, directing her to grab mine as well. A blue spiral snaked around our arms, getting faster and faster as I found her in the other dimension. I held onto her in time and the spiral disintegrated, leaving behind an infinite sign on each of our wrists. We released and cradled our arms.

"Now isn't that interesting... any side effects?" Raina rubbed her arm.

"As long as I don't get hurt or die, you should be fine." I told her, "I'll talk to you later then." I didn't give her much of a chance to ask questions. I walked out the door and back to my lounge chair at the spot in time for the sunset.

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