Jailbird - "Prince" Henry Peletier

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This is from my tumblr jude-grimes

Summary: Henry is quick to befriend you after his stint in jail and comes to the rescue when troublemakers start to harass you

Word Count: 1.4k

Warnings: Harassment, a couple curse words

Request: I absolutely love your henryfic and it would be amazing if you could make another one?? I don't really care about the plot but if possible maybe the reader gets harassed by one of the hilltop kids and then Henry comes and kicks their ass or something ;)

A/N: Hey! This is my second Henry imagine and I'm so excited to be writing for him! Feedback is always appreciated and requests are open. I hope you enjoy!

(not my gif, credit to ofdragonsandreams on tumblr)

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(not my gif, credit to ofdragonsandreams on tumblr)

Being a resident of Hilltop nearly half of your life you never really got to meet many kids your age, so when a boy from one of the neighboring communities came to apprentice as a blacksmith you were intrigued. His name was Henry, you found out, and he had a knack disobeying the rules.

On his first day at Hilltop he had managed to get caught up in the wrong crowd, who were, unfortunately, the only kids your age and whom you disliked. They were troublemakers, Gage, Addy, and Rodney. Some nights they would sneak outside the walls and get drunk, torture the walker that fell in hole they dug by throwing dart at it. You thought about warning Henry but decided he could find out what he was getting into on his own.

Turns out what he was getting into was Hilltop's jail. He had been found drunk off his ass outside the walls and that was his punishment. You felt a bit of remorse for him, having to be locked up, but maybe he would learn his lesson.

Two days later at lunch he sits next to you. Gaining your attention, he holds his hand out, "Hey, I'm Henry."

You take his hand in yours, shaking it firmly, "I know who you are, Jailbird," You say laughing lightly.

Henry's cheek flush, embarrassed, "You know about that, huh?"

"I'm pretty sure everyone does. My name's Y/N. It's nice to meet you Henry."

"You, too."

For the next hour or so the two of you talked an got to know each other pretty well. You found out that came to be a blacksmith apprentice because he wanted to be able to repair his home at the kingdom. He also told you of his short stint in the Hilltop jail.

"Sorry, I probably should have warned you that you'd end up in jail sooner than later if you hung out with them," You told Henry.

"Yeah. That would have been nice," Henry replied laughing. "Why don't you like them?"

"They're sheltered, don't care for anyone but themselves. I mean, seriously, using a walker a dart board, how sick is that? I just think that If they were smart they'd stop doing stupid things and trying to get themselves killed."

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