Break My Heart - "Prince" Henry Peletier

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Summary: When you start talking to Henry, your older brother Jesus goes into protective mode.

Word Count: 1k

Warnings: none

Request: can you please write a henry imagine?? i loved your first two!! can you have the reader be jesus's younger sibling and when henry comes to the hilltop they end up liking henry? thank you!!

A/N: The summary sucks and I have no excuse for not writing for a whole month, sorry y'all. I'm gonna try and finish all my requests before the s9 finale so wish me luck. Enjoy

It was an ordinary day in Hilltop

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It was an ordinary day in Hilltop. The community was up and active, busy completing their daily chores. You made your way around the lively community, scoping out the locals of Hilltop in search of an unfamiliar face.

Yesterday, it had been brought to your attention that there was a new member joining the community. You briefly recalled his name to be Henry and that he was the son of Carol, an old friend of your brother Jesus and Tara, the leaders of Hilltop.

Scanning your eyes over the crowd of people at work, you spotted a boy you didn't recognize. He had a head full of blond hair and freckles littered across his cheeks. He looked like no boy you had ever seen before and he took your breath away. There was no doubt that this was Henry. You froze in place as his gaze locked onto yours. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips and he sent a small wave in your direction.

Snapping out of your trance like state, your feet begin to move on their own accord. As the distance between you and Henry decreased, you grew more nervous. Your heart was beating erratically and you had no idea why seeing him caused such a reaction out of you.

"Hi, Henry right?" You greeted him, only a couple feet separating you both.

"Y-yeah, thats me," He stumbled over his words. "What's your name?"

"My names Y/N."

"Nice to meet you," Henry told you, the smile on his face from earlier much brighter now.

"Likewise," You agreed. "So wha-"

Before you could say anything else you were cut off by a voice calling your name.

You spun around to see Jesus steadily approaching you and Henry.

He acknowledged Henry with a nod and then turned his attention back to you.

"Is something wrong?" You questioned Jesus.

"I need your help with something. Meet me at Barrington House," Was all he said in response and walked off.

You hated how vague he was at times but decided not to pry as he was already too far away.

Henry stood next to you in confusion, "Who is that?"

"That's my brother, Jesus," You sighed, disappointed that he cut your conversation with Henry short. "Anyway, I better get going. Catch you around."

"Yeah, ok," Henry mumbled. You sent him a small smile and left to go find Jesus.

At Barrington House you found Jesus sitting on the steps waiting for you. He scrambled to his feet when he saw you coming and entered the massive place you called home. You followed him up the stairs into his office, taking a seat in one of the armchairs.

"What are we doing? I thought you needed help." You asked, glaring at your big brother for wasting your time for nothing.

Jesus looked at you in curiosity, "Do you like him? Henry?"

Your eyes widened the size of saucers. Why was he asking you this? You didn't believe in that 'love at first sight' bull that you read about in fairy tales when you were younger but you couldn't deny that you felt something for him the moment he caught your eyes. Of course you would never tell Jesus that.

"What?" You screeched. "I don't know...Maybe. I just met him."

"Good," Jesus stood. "He's a good kid, I can tell. And I like him much more than that Rodney kid you used to hang around."

You shuddered, "Don't remind me."

"If he hurts you, I'll hurt him," Jesus threatened.

"Sure," You laughed at him, resulting in a scowl.

"I'm serious, Y/N!"

The next day you ran into Henry training with his stick. Your presence went unnoticed as he moved swiftly, slicing the dangerous weapon through the air. His breathing was heavy and small grunts released from his lips. He swung around, pointing his stick in your direction and froze in place as he became aware of your presence.

You waved at him and he brought his stick to his side, combing back his hair with his other hand. Henry smiled at you and nodded, too out of breath to speak just yet.

Once his racing heart calmed down and he could breathe normally again he spoke, "Hey, Y/N."

"Hi, Henry. Sorry about yesterday, we didn't really get the chance to talk much."

"It's fine, we can talk now if you wan't," Henry took a seat on the ground and motioned for you to do the same.

You threw yourself down next to him, lying back on the grass. It was quiet out, still early in the morning so not everybody was up and about. You liked the silence, it gave you a clear head space to think about what to say next. After thinking hard, you finally knew what to say but what came out was completely different.

"My brother said he'd hurt you if you hurt me," You blurted, sitting up and giving Henry a concerned look.

"What?" He laughed. "Why would I hurt you? I'm not gonna hurt you."

"I know. Jesus thinks I like you and has got it in his head that your gonna break my heart somehow," You told Henry honestly, stifling a giggle. "I mean, we barely even know each other. How could you break my heart?"

Henry shakes his head, "We could. Get to know each other, I mean."

"Oh yeah? So you can actually break my heart?" You joked.

"Of course not. I really want to know you," Henry grabbed your hand, scooting closer to you.

Blood rushed to your face, heating your cheeks. Henry's free hand brushed over your face, sending a jolt of electricity throughout your entire body.

"Me too," You confessed, watching as his brown eyes and smile brighten at your words.


Henry closed the space between you, brushing his lips against yours. You kissed him back gently, hands combing through his messy hair.

Henry pulled away and softly whispered in your ear, "Promise not to break my heart either."

"I promise."

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