Ocean Eyes - "Prince" Henry Peletier

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Summary: Based on Billie Eilish's Ocean Eyes; You and Henry like each other and the song reflects on your feelings

Word Count: 700+

Warnings: none

Request: hey, i saw on your walking dead book that people can send requests and was wondering if you could do another Henry imagine based on the song Ocean Eyes where the reader has feelings for Henry and the song reflects on her feelings and Henry feels the same and they share a tender moment at the end confirming their feelings and they end up together? I understand if you have a lot of requests or if you don't feel up to doing it thanks :)

From the moment Henry entered the walls of Hilltop you liked him. You were quick to befriend the boy and you both formed a strong bond. It wasn't long after you met him that you developed a crush. You wanted so badly to be able to tell him but you were afraid he wouldn't feel the same way. You decided to keep quiet for the time being.

I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

Fallen into your ocean eyes

Henry starts to consume your every thought. Every little thing he does makes your heart ache. Some days you think he looks fragile, as if he could break any second. You know he's been through terrible things before and lost people he cared about. You've seen how hard he pushed himself to work so he can help his mom and dad back home. It's those moment that you wish you could always protect him.

Can't stop thinking of your diamond mind

Careful creature

Made friends with time

You and Henry do almost everything together and lately you've noticed he hasn't been around. You wonder if you did something wrong to cause this, to drive him away.

You catch him off guard one day, asking him, "Why are you avoiding me?"

"Been busy, is all," He says, brushing you off.

You look hurt and it doesn't go unnoticed by Henry. He's avoiding you because he cares about you. He cares too much and he's scared, scared he'll lose you like he lost his brother and his dad. He can't lose anyone else, especially you. It's wrong to hurt you like this, he knows it is but he doesn't see an easier way to let you go.

He left her lonely with a diamond mind

And those ocean eyes

No fair

You really know how to make me cry

When you gimme those ocean eyes

Days pass and not a word has been spoken between you and Henry. You didn't buy the excuse of him being busy and it was clear that he was steering clear of you on purpose, but as to why, you were unsure. One thing you were certain of, however, was that you needed to express your feelings for him. If he still didn't want to speak to you after then that was fine, but you wouldn't let him go without at least trying first.

Gathering up the courage, you took off to find Henry.

I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

Falling into your ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes

You find Henry sitting at a workbench. He catches your figure from the corner of his eyes and stops what he's doing.

"We need to talk," You declare. "Come on."

Henry follows you as you trudge off, stopping by a large tree. Truth be told he's been waiting for this moment, realizing how stupid he was to try cut you off and forget about you.

"Listen," You say, looking into Henry's eyes. "I like you. A lot. And if you don't feel the same way tell me now so you can go back to ignor-"

Henry cuts you off. "I like you too, Y/N. I'm so sorry for avoiding you, for hurting you," He croaked. "I was scared of losing you and I was dumb. Please forgive me."

"I forgive you," You cried, wrapping your arms around Henry. He's quick to place his around you as well, squeezing you in a tight embrace.

Henry places a kiss on your forehead. He still scared of something happening to you but he can't think about that. You're both here in this moment and willing to be together for as long as the world will let you.

Until know you had no idea you could miss someone so much. You had been lucky in life, surviving the hordes of dead with your family unscathed. Henry was the closest you had ever been to losing someone you loved so much and you were beyond happy and relieved to have him back and in your arms.

You feel a wetness on your cheek and you realize that you've started to cry. Henry wipes away your tears and cradles you close.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry," Henry cooes.

You shake your head, "It's ok. They're tears of joy. I'm just really happy right now, being here with you."

You really know how to make me cry

When you gimme those ocean eyes

I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

Falling into your ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes

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