Jealous - "Prince" Henry Peletier

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Summary: You like Henry and get jealous when he starts to spend more time with Enid.

Word Count: 1k

Warnings: none

Request: Maybe you can do a fic/imagine where Henry and reader are really good friends and he's into Enid like in the last episode and he doesn't notice the reader like she would like to. And in the end they end up being together ???? Idk something like that LITERALLY ANYTHING YOU WRITE I WILL READ BC YOURE SO GOOD AT WRITING

 And in the end they end up being together ???? Idk something like that LITERALLY ANYTHING YOU WRITE I WILL READ BC YOURE SO GOOD AT WRITING

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(not my gif, credit to kharypayton on tumblr)

Ever since Henry had come to Hilltop you had taken an interest in him and the two of you were quick to become best friends.

You and Henry would hang out all of the time after he was done apprenticing for the day, often exploring the community and showing Henry around. Lately you were on your own, Henry ditching you to spend time with Enid.

From the moment he entered the gates of Hilltop you could tell he was head over heels for her. Henry quickly found out that Enid was with Alden and though it disheartened him, it didn't stop him from making heart eyes at her.

At first you were mad at him for abandoning you. You knew you shouldn't be, that Henry had every right to go and make other friends. Jealousy, you realized. It wasn't anger but jealousy. You liked Henry.

As soon as you realized that you had a crush on Henry you avoided him, hiding in your room. Avoiding Henry wasn't that much of a task considering he hadn't been around much lately. You decided to try and ignore your feelings for the sandy haired boy and distract yourself by helping Tara, the leader of Hilltop, with things that needed attention.

After successfully managing to evade Henry for a few days, he's eventually able to track you down at lunch, sitting next to you.

"Hey stranger," Henry says, winking at you with a small smile. "It feels like it's been forever since we last talked."

"That's because it has," You mumble in response, taking a bite of an apple that you'd grabbed for lunch. You're still mad at him for ditching you and if he wants a better response than that then he's going to have to work for it.

Henry furrows his brows in confusion. He had expected more of a response than that or at the very least a smile. These past few days he had been busy helping Enid out around camp and he hadn't gotten the chance to catch up with you lately, and he meant to but wasn't able to find you anywhere.

"Woah, hey. What's wrong, Y/N?" Henry asks you, placing a hand on your shoulder gently in a concerned manner.

You shrugged Henry's hand off and stood up to leave, in no mood to talk to him at the moment. You knew you were being unfair to him, ignoring his attempts at conversation but you just didn't care. Turning your back on Henry, you walked away to try and find some place to clear your head.

Henry was baffled, wondering if he had said or done something wrong. He knew he hadn't been around lately and maybe that was the reason you were upset, but he thought you of all people would understand that sometimes things are more important than others, and that's not to say that you weren't important to him, but he had a job to get done. Henry only hoped that you would come around eventually and forgive him for his absence.

It had been a few days since Henry had last spoken to you and he had begun to miss your little talks. You had made no effort to speak to him since your last interaction and Henry decided the silence had gone on for long enough.

It had been a long day of working hard and you were now sat under a tree reading a book. It was the only one you hadn't read yet out of the few that the Hilltop scouts had brought back, and as you neared the end of it you read each page slower to make it last. The tree you were under provided little shade from the sun as it shone down on you. Turning the page of your book, you notice a shadow standing over you, blocking the sun's harsh glare.

"We need to talk, Y/N," Henry said standing above you. "Why have you been ignoring me?"

Marking the page of your book and closing it, you stand up. Now face to face with Henry, you can see the hurt in his eyes. You feel bad but shrug it off.

"I really hadn't thought you noticed," You tell Henry, avoiding eye contact. "You've been to busy hanging out with Enid."

You could practically see the gears spinning in Henry's head. This is why you were mad at him? "Why are you mad about that?" Henry asks taking a step closer until you can feel the heat radiating off of him.

"It doesn't matter, alright?" You look him in the eyes. "I was just jealous."

Henry's face softens at your confession. "Jealous? Why would you be jealous?" He questions.

You sigh, contemplating whether or not to admit your feeling for him. After a short moment of silence you decide that it's now or never.

"Because I like you, as in more than friends, but I know you have a crush on Enid, so just forget I ever said anything." You say in a rush, feeling your face heat up as you blush.

Before Henry can respond you push past him, leaving him to his own thoughts.

"Y/N, wait!" Henry yells, running to catch up with you before you're gone. Reaching an arm out, he grabs your hand to stop you from fleeing.

"Listen to me, Y/N," Henry says, pleading. "It's not Enid that I like, it's you. It took us not talking for a week for me to realize, but I like you."

There's a smile on Henry's face as he lets you know how he feels about you and you can't help but smile back.

"I feel a bit embarrassed now, for how I acted and for ignoring you," You say shyly.

Henry squeezes your hand, "Don't be, everything worked out in the end, at least I hope so."

You nod your head, "It did. Now, if it's not too much to ask, will you kiss me?"

"Definitely," Henry obliges.

Henry leans in and his lips meet yours in a gentle kiss. The feeling is new and amazing but it isn't long before you both pull away. You rest your foreheads against each other, smiling goofily.

"You're kinda cute when you're jealous."

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