Badass - "Prince" Henry Peletier

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Summary: After Henry watches you practice with your sword, he realizes just how much of a badass you really are

Word Count: 809

Warnings: swearing, a kiss

Request: Could you do a henry x reader imagine, where henry is at the hilltop and is watching with Addy, Gage and rodney the Reader practice her sword and she is like really really badass??? Please???

A/N: I'm sorry this took so long, I'm trying to catch up on requests. I really hope you like it, I tried to make it as long as I could without it being too short. Feedback is appreciated!

You sliced your crisp, sharp blade through the air as Henry and the other Hilltop teens watched you practice with your sword

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You sliced your crisp, sharp blade through the air as Henry and the other Hilltop teens watched you practice with your sword. You paid no mind to them however, completely engrossed in what you were doing.

You took pride in your sword, you were one of the few at Hilltop and any of the other communities beside Michonne that had one and knew how to use it well. The teens were in awe at your agility as you moved, unfazed by the sweltering sun beating down on you.

Bringing your sword down to your side, you turned and faced them, smiling slightly. One by one they began to walk towards you, praising you and holding out their hands for high fives. It made you happy that you had such supportive friends.

"That was badass, Y/N," Gage said as he high fived you. "You're getting better!"

"Thanks, Gage."

Your stomach grumbled loudly, causing him to laugh.

"Let's go to something to eat," He suggested, already starting to walk away with Addy and Rodney.

"You guys go on, we'll catch up in a minute," You responded to Gage, eyeing Henry who was still standing next to you. Gage nodded and continued on with the others.

Now that you and Henry were alone you motioned for him to follow you. You had no particular destination in mind but you needed an excuse to talk to him. Over the past couple of days you had developed a small crush on the freckled boy and hadn't been able to get him off of your mind.

He walked along you in silence, neither of you speaking. Every so often you would glance at each other and your mouth would spread into a wide grin, just his presence enough to make you smile.

It had been well over a minute since you parted ways with the others but you didn't care. You weren't really hungry after all and Henry didn't seem to be either.

Eventually, after walking around for a few more minutes he broke the silence, "That really was badass earlier. You're really good, Y/N."

"Thank you," You whispered, heat rushing to your face at his compliment and butterflies swarming in your stomach.

You had no idea why he affected you this much. It was different when Gage complimented you, he was like your brother. With Henry is was like you had no control of your actions and your mind went blank trying to figure out what you should say next.

"You're probably just as good with a stick, if not better," He said, eyes scanning over the blush on your cheeks as one his own face reddened.

That made you laugh, "I bet I could kick your ass with your own stick."

Henry took that as a challenge, "Oh yeah? Well let's see then." He handed you his stick.

You took the stick in your hands and positioned yourself into a fighting stance. Henry stepped back as you took your first swing at him. He dodged it easily, smirking at you when you huffed in disappointment. On your second swing you managed to make contact and knocked the wind out of him.

You made sure he was ok once he regained oxygen again. He held up a hand signaling that he was fine, urging you to have another go at him. Once again you swung the stick at Henry but this time he managed to get ahold of it and snatch it out of your grip, swinging it behind you and knocking you onto the ground with a thud.

"Hey!" You groaned, "That wasn't very nice."

Henry laughed but before he could say anything back you swiped your legs underneath him causing him to fall on top of you. You groaned again, his elbow digging into your side. He pushed himself up a bit, both his arms on either side of you.

"That wasn't very nice either, Y/N," Henry said smirking down at you.

"You're right," You agreed, grinning up at him. "It was badass."

"It was," He confessed, leaning down slowly. "Is it ok if I kiss you?"

You nodded. His lips connected to yours in a gentle kiss. You pulled him closer, running your hands through his hair as his mouth ghosted over yours. You found your shared inexperience in kissing endearing and smiled brightly as you both pulled away panting slightly.

Henry stood, pulling you up after him. "So what does this mean for us?" He asked sheepishly.

"It means I kicked your ass," You laughed. "Kidding. It means we like each other or at least I would hope."

"We do," Henry confirmed, taking your hand in his. Both your stomach grumbled and you both laughed again. "Lets go get something to eat now."

Hand in hand, you both went to eat, talking and laughing along the way.

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