Part 5 1/2. NOT AN UPDATE.

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I got nominated by @Storm_Raven to do this. THANKS AMY. HATE YOU TOO.

Anyway, 20 facts about me. Let's see if I can do this.

1. My name is December, and I am an insane British person ^ 3^

2. I am fourteen (October 22nd ish mah birfday~) ^ 3^

3. I am obsessed with Xiumin and Chen, and ship them. Hard ^ 3^

4. I have Kik and Tumblr (name on both: DecemberFrostBaozi) ^ 3^

5. My alter ego is Chen, I have an account where I roleplay as him ^ 3^

6. I roleplay a lot. ^ 3^

7. Im a vegetarian ^ 3^

8. I love singing and dancing, and am part of a KPop dance cover group ^ 3^

9. I am trying to learn Chinese ^ 3^

10. In real life, I hate most people ^ 3^

11. I hit myself over the head with a Harry Potter wand. Twice. On completely different days ^ 3^

12. #Petrel'sMarshmallows is a thing, that I know of. ^ 3^

13. I tend to sing when I'm happy ^ 3^

14. I have a crush on a guy at my school. O 3O

15. Related to #14, I'm actually bisexual. ^ 3^

16. I am against any and all forms of racism ^ 3^

17. EXO is my life. No, scratch that, KPop is my life. ^ 3^

18. I'm listening to Thunder, M version, right now ^ 3^

19. My favourite emoji is this: ;p

20. I'm secretly a duck!!!! But SHHHH don't tell anyone!!!! I can't go back to the asylum! T 3T

And that's it!!

I nominate:





@ThomChase1001 / @SilverFlareon


^ 3^ QUACK

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