Part 8. A Baby...

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"December! Jagiya! Wait!" I was running through the forest, ignoring everything around me. All I wanted to do was run. Run away. And hopefully get away before EXO hunted me down and killed me. I knew that's what they would do. I mean, I was pregnant with Chen's baby. Well...not for much longer...I was planning on going to the abortion clinic as soon as I got back to town. I slowed, hearing nothing but the still silence, and the occasional tweet of a bird. I heard a twig snap, and turned, to see Chen standing there, sweaty and panting. "Jagiya..." He spoke softly, and I took a step back.

"They're going to kill me...I know they are..." He walked up to me.

"Nobody is going to hurt you, jagiya."

"Chen...I'm pregnant...people back home will find out...I can't hide it from my parents..."

"Then we tell nobody until you're ready to." He cupped my cheek. "But we can get through this together, jagiya. I'm not going to leave you." He wiped my tears with his thumbs gently then kissed my forehead. "The others got rid of Bella, so we can go back if you want." I nodded and he took my hand, leading me back to the clearing.

Spending The Summer With Werewolves. {Sequel To TGWCW}Where stories live. Discover now