Before You Read

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Hello and welcome to Queen of the Beasts. It is one of many books I have written and published on Wattpad and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed creating it. But before you begin I would like to start off with a few words and warnings.

Firstly, my books contain plenty of explicit content. This is usually geared more towards sexual activity than violence and other sensitive subjects that may make you uncomfortable. This is the only warning you'll be given, proceed at your own risk.

Please do not have inappropriate or offensive conversations in my comments section. Everyone had an opinion, I get that, but my book is not the place to discuss them. Anything I deem to be malicious or vulgar will be deleted so please keep your comments relevant and kind.

I do not write werewolves as other people do. I appreciate the cliché that is the white wolf and everything that comes with it, but do not assume that my books contains the same premise surrounding werewolves. They are my own creation, I write them how I think they are best suited and the information you need to know can be derived from the writing itself.

This book is not written in a modern time, it's written as a work of historical fiction. There are knowledge gaps for that reason, there is less technology and an altered mindset in my characters. But because I am not an expert I have no pinned down a specific time that I will adhere to.

Lastly, if you are in need of a friend I am always here with a listening ear.

Happy reading!

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