Chapter 17

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Taking me down to the cells was a precarious situation for all of us. The guards were presumably quite angry with me as I had just attacked their future king and it was heavily ingrained in them that they should be defensive of him. But Griffin had not been my intended target and I think they understood that to some degree. In addition to this it was becoming increasingly clear to everyone involved that I was Griffin's mate. So even though I had attacked him I had to be handled with a certain amount of respect. Though, that was up for debate now.

I didn't fight. I knew that I had no right to cause more of a ruckus than I already had. All I had wanted to do was explain to my mate everything that had happened, to tell him that I was sorry but I had fought for him when no one else could. It hadn't turned out like I had imagined. And now my mate was left with a bloodied leg and I would not be able to plead my case for a very long time.

With my ear lying flat against my head, my mouth open for panting, and my tail lowered between my legs I was guided down to the cells. The three guards that surrounded me all had one hand on the hilt of their swords. One misstep and they would draw them out to their full glory. But what then? I was mated to the prince, could they really harm me? It seemed unlikely, but I worried. I had heard what Selene had said now. It was infinitely clear that some wanted me in this palace and some did not. And I could easily recall what had happened to me the last time I had been in the cells.

I had been beaten down there. I had been so badly wounded that I had been put on bed rest despite my accelerated healing. I had been terrified for my life then, even after I had been carried out of the cells. I could still recall the way the drugged meat had made me feel, how the sounds had been so muffled and my limbs wouldn't work. I shivered, shaking the feeling out of my thick, grey coat.

I truly tried my best to be compliant, but my thoughts constantly drifted. I kept thinking that if I could get away from these guards and go back to Griffin once more he would see how desperate I was. He would understand that we needed to talk this time, that this wasn't just an act of defiance. But that was only a heartbroken fantasy right now. It was clear that disobeying the prince's orders was heavily frowned upon and now I had made the situation worse by physically hurting him, ignoring his guards, and fleeing when I had been told to stay. I told myself over and over again that this was for the best.

But when the guards guided me to a small, hidden door at the end of a slim passageway I balked. My limbs refused to move. I stood, frozen, as the first guard opened the door. I willed my body to move, but it wouldn't.

Dark, stone walls seemed to grow tighter as the stairway descended. I could hear the low groans of prisoners that carried through the air, piercing my ears. The chill that seemed to rise from the suffering below made my hackles rise on the back of my neck. It was wet and heavy, just like I remembered it. Then the scent struck my twitching nose. Urine. Feces. Mold. Rats.

I could see the cell in my mind again. The rotting straw that I had slept on, the heavy metal door that groaned when used. The damp and slick rocks beneath my paws and the half-filled bowl that served as my hydration. The bright red ribbon that had been tied just out of my reach. Then my stomach rolled with the thought of that tainted meat. The way my limbs refused to listen to any of my commands. Screaming out but never knowing if I was making a sound. And blow after blow had landed on my body until I had almost given up. Until I had almost wanted to die.

"Come on." A guard encouraged when I didn't follow the first two down.

I subconsciously shifted my weight onto my back legs, knowing that I shouldn't fight these men, but unable to force myself forward and downward. I knew what was beyond. I knew what I was up against.

I could feel the tension in the air as the guards all glanced around. Yes, I was potentially the future queen, but they had been given orders by the man who was going to be king. They didn't want to hurt me or upset me but they wouldn't deny him either.

Evidently, the hands that constantly floated about their swords were simply threats. Now that my resistance was apparent and continued I felt hesitant hands press down against my rump.

"Come now." The guard urged.

But it was his hands on my body that triggered my ferocious reaction. No, I didn't want it to happen. I had wanted to follow their every command in and hopes that they would report back to the prince kindly. Tell him that I had been ashamed and regretful about my actions. Sadly, I couldn't stop myself. With the physical pressure and my mind spinning with images of the vile cell and brutal beating I couldn't react rationally.

With a violent growl I whirled around, snapping my sharp teeth in warning. Even in my frenzy I didn't want to hurt them. I knew they were only doing their job, following orders. But I couldn't go back there. Not again. I would just hope they wouldn't call my bluff.

My defiance only cause the two other guards to pitch in. there was still no violence. Their hands were firm and demanding but never once did they move in a way that caused any pain. And I never went after them. I was twisting around rapidly, flashing my teeth and snarling at one man until he moved away. And when he forfeit his ground I would go after his comrades. But it was all just a bluff. I never moved to harm any of them. I just needed them to stay away.

One of them was faster or smarter and he would be my downfall. He figured out my game. He watched the way I twisted about, saw how my teeth flashed at the men that touched me. He stepped back, letting me go after someone else. And when I lunged forward he struck. In one smooth and confident motion his hand closed around my muzzle. And just like that my best weapon was neutralized.

Feeling like I had no other option I let out the shrillest noise I could muster around the firm hand.

It was a vile noise. It was the sound of a wounded animal near death. And what little had leaked through my lips was loud and high pitched. It carried through the corridor with piercing intensity. I felt them tense as their sensitive ears struggled with the sound.

But that didn't stop the guards. They had a job to do, a duty to the future king.

One hand grabbed my front right paw. Another seized one of my back legs. I knew that if they got hold of my two free limbs they would carry me to those awful cells and lock me inside.

I thrashed hard, terrified of going down those stair. So afraid of waking up barely clinging to life. I would not go through that again. I could not.

A door opened, but I refused to stop squirming, praying that one of their hands would slip and I would be able to make a break for it.

"What the hell is going on?" a loud voice boomed.

The voice was so familiar and so distant all at once. My fight slowed at just the sound. I thought I knew this man. Vaguely, I could recall the voice but it wasn't quite right and I wasn't able to place it. I tried to swivel my head around, tried to confirm my own suspicions but the hand still held my muzzle so firmly it was now painful.

Then the scent hit my nose and I didn't need any visuals to confirm what my wolf already knew so well.

There was a shocked inhale, then a soft, timid whisper.


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