Chapter 9

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Selene sauntered back into my room after I had finished examining myself, her soft slippers hardly making any noise on the hardwood floors as she moved towards Agatha and me. Her confidence and stunning coordination in her human body made me quite jealous, but I reminded myself that she had not spent a significant portion of her life on four legs instead of two. The transition was bound to take time and I had to allow myself an adjustment period. Then I remembered that the person I was going to have to impress was also in favor of two legs and I was envious all over again.

"You look lovely." Selene said warmly, but I could see a glimmer of humor in her eyes as she scanned me over.

My expression fell immediately. I hadn't felt particularly breathtaking, I knew that the dress wasn't quite right and there was only so much that could be done with my hair, but knowing she thought the effort was almost laughable stung.

"You will look like a goddess once we get you a dress that fits you properly." She corrected, seeming relatively unconcerned with her slight rudeness. I briefly wondered what allowed her to talk to someone she assumed would be the future princess in such a casual regard. "Griffin is absolutely clawing at the door, impatiently waiting to see you as a human. Are you ready?"

I opened my mouth to tell her that I wanted to see him too. He was my ticket out of captivity. And there was an undeniable wave of excitement that hit me when Selene mentioned his name. I knew I should squash the feelings, I had a purpose within these walls and it was not falling in love. Yet it seemed impossible to restrain. I was delighted by the idea of Griffin seeing me in human form, but when I went to speak only an ugly, choked squeak left my lips.

Then I was faced with the reality of the situation that I was in as my face flamed with embarrassment. I was standing in a room more lavish than I had ever seen, wearing a dress that hung off my body awkwardly. I couldn't speak like a proper human and I struggled with moving about in a synchronized fashion. Only a few hours ago I had been a terrified, panicked wolf that had attempted to bite and claw at my rescuers. And now I was trying to convince the prince that- though I was a rogue- I was worth trusting.

Selene cocked her head to one side as her beautiful brown eyes skimmed me over, seeming to see my thoughts on my face. I could still feel a certain air of hostility around her, but there was compassion that coated the surface more heavily for the time being.

"I'll keep him distracted for a few more minutes." She whispered softly. "Agatha, please keep an eye on her."

A few seconds later the door shut and I had seated myself on the massive bed, holding my head in my hands. This should've been easy and beautiful. Mates were a wonderful thing but it seemed that the moon goddess was only concerned with destroying my existence.

"You don't have to worry, my lady." Agatha said softly, breaking the weighted silence.

I just lifted my head to stare at her bleakly. How was I supposed to do this? Every time I thought of those kind blue eyes my heart softened. Far beyond what it should've considering I had spent a large portion of my life preparing myself to take him down. Not that it mattered. I was an awkward, gangly mess. He could take one look at me and scoff, sending me right back down to the dreaded dungeon. I could tell myself a lot of things, but the facts were quite simple. I was a rogue. He was a prince.

"Prince Griffin is the kindest man," Agatha said warily, clearly speaking out of turn, but continuing on anyway "and I believe that you are what he needs to bring the kingdom back together: a wolf. We've been in such unrest with the humans attacking the werewolves. It's been an awful war inside our walls. I thought it ended when King Archer had taken over, but the fighting persists."

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