Chapter 7

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Two sets of hands carried me for some time, then I was placed on a large, flat surface that I could only assume was a table.

I wasn't being attacked anymore, I knew that. I also knew that my senses were coming back full force, but they were useless because the witch Selene had effectively tied up all of my useful appendages so I was no better off than before. The most damage I could inflict would be from swinging my rather pathetic tail through the air in hopes that I would strike someone. It was the attack of an overly excited house dog instead of a fierce wolf. Luckily I didn't have to defend myself, at least not right now. Nothing was happening, but I could hear quiet murmuring beyond a door or wall.

A little while later steps were moving back into the room and coming towards me. But not one set or two. It sounded like a small herd. At least five people.

I lifted my head off the table top as a reaction, trying to see what was coming. I could only let out a soft, panicked whimper when I realized for the millionth time my eyes were covered. I was now desperately trying to keep myself as calm and as rational as possible.

But the second I felt hands moving through my fur towards my very raw and very wounded throat I let out a shrill cry. Or at least, as much of a sound as I could make with fabric keeping my mouth shut tightly.

"Calm down."

The voice was male and smooth. I felt like I knew it, but I couldn't quite place it. Either way, I didn't appreciate someone touching me while I was in such a defenseless position. I let out another cry and thrashed my body about.

"You're stressing her out, Archer." A woman chided," And after you put that god-awful collar on her it's no wonder she's so afraid."

So that's where I knew the voice from. And the name Archer. It was the former king that had put that wretched creation on my body.

"What was I supposed to do? It's not as if I knew who she would turn out to be. I just knew her little group was harassing my guards and terrorizing my people. I did what I thought was best."

I heard someone try to move close to me again. First the arrogant king, now another. No, I would not tolerate it. I curled my lips back as best as I could and let out a rumbling snarl.

"Christ, she is wild." Selene said hotly, but her voice didn't care the same venom and disgust it once had. Something had shifted in her.

"What are you doing to her?"

I knew that it shouldn't and I knew that I didn't want it to, but Griffin's loud, angry voice made a wave of relaxation flood through me. My head slowly lowered back down onto the table as I reasoned with myself.

He was only able to calm me down because I knew the mate bond was affecting him. He was delighted to find me and would never allow harm to come to me. I was not calm because my body was also responding to the mate bond. I was stronger than the bond.

It was all a lie and I knew it, but I wouldn't let myself believe anything else. Not right now.

Gentle fingers brushed against the sides of my snout. The touch startled me and I was barking and jerking around in seconds, before the mate bond was able to take effect.

"It's alright." Griffin whispered to me, then to someone else, "Why on Earth would you blindfold her? She must be terrified."

"I think she was poisoned." Selene piped up, "She wasn't able to stand when I found her and she wasn't very responsive to my voice. I thought she would be less afraid if I blindfolded her, you know, like the horses when you led them out of the barn fire. At the very least I thought she wouldn't be able to attack me while Victoria and I were carrying her here."

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