Chapter 15

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I didn't allow myself a second to consider my options. A second donated to thought may cost my mate his life. For my wolf there was only one thing to do. I moved until my small, runt body was between Thorn and the prince.

It was suicide. I knew it. Not only was I significantly smaller than Thorn I was hardly a fighter. My size had always impeded my ability to be violent so I never worked to enhance my skills, only focusing on other areas. My speed was my only useful tactic and I had abandoned it to put myself in the line of attack. In addition to all of this it was five against one. Thorn had noble allies for his cause. A cause that I was evidently against. I was fighting my own battle.

I expected a brutal attack to be instant because I knew the man I was facing off against and he was not a gentle one. I thought that Thorn would lunge for my throat without any hesitation. And after his initial attack his beloved followers would join in. There would be nothing left of me in minutes.

But there was only stillness.

My small body was lowered down in a defensive position with the human prince behind me. My eyes were locked with Thorn's. I wasn't snarling or growling. I didn't want to escalate the situation. But I refused to stand by while mate was mauled. The saying 'over my dead body' seemed to fit the situation very well.

Thorn's fore legs were lowered as well, but it wasn't out of defense. He was the attacker. And in this case he had all the power. I was weaker and feeble, protecting someone who couldn't fight while he had always been a fierce warrior. But he wasn't making a move. At least not yet. He just kept his eyes on mine, his hackles raised, and his jagged teeth exposed. He wasn't lunging for my jugular but he wasn't backing down either.

Because he refused to step down the two males who followed him so closely continued to have an intense grasp on both of Griffin's wrists. Though my mate refused to let out a true sound of pain I could hear the way his breathing shifted each time one of the wolves adjusted their jaws, digging deeper into his skin. And they weren't even attacking him. His human flesh would be no match for their vicious instincts. I could hear the slight panting from fear as well. He knew there were few ways we could get out of this alive.

My ears flickered as movement arose from beside me. A small, shy brown wolf took hesitant steps towards me. I refused to break eye contact with Thorn, but my ears were fully focused on Hunter as he crept to us. And slowly, ever so timidly, he came closer. Always so passive and wary, forever the peacekeeper. Just as I thought he was about to nudge me, to try to get me to calm down or back down, he positioned himself beside me, with me. Though he was terrified he was facing Thorn head on. He was defying his leader on my behalf.

Thorn's contained demeanor suddenly slipped, seeming to be betrayed by Hunter. The low rumbling that had been emitting from his chest switched to a louder, sharper bark. He leapt forward, closing half the distance between us.

I refused to back down. I held my position steady, scared, but stationary.

It was Hunter who let out a soft whimper. Though I knew he was trying his hardest to face this threat head on he had never been a fighter either. And it was that soft, helpless sound that caused Thorn's violent barking to cease.

He stayed still for a moment. His curled lips lowered, covering his sharp teeth and the cruel and forceful expression in his eyes shifted to something softer, something I couldn't read and didn't see often. We all watched him for a moment. Then, he gave his large, wolf head a shake and turned away from us.

As I let out the breath I had been holding I heard the two large males gradually release my mate. Though Thorn had clearly given up for the time being the pair seemed uncertain if they should let go of their newly found prisoner. It wasn't a common occurrence that the prince was found helpless in the middle of the forest and it seemed too perfect to be true for a pack like this. Between the rarity of the situation and the confusing transition in Thorn's demeanor there was reasonable hesitation. Eventually, they backed away completely.

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