Chapter 16

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I was restless beyond belief. I was pacing almost religiously, still in wolf form and panting with each step that I took. My body was exhausted from the long journey I had just taken, but I couldn't stop myself. Back and forth across the length of my room. It was so strange to be in wolf form in such a lavish space after spending so much time in the wilderness as my true self. Even if I had been in human form for the majority of the time I still realized how much I missed the freedom. It made me all the more anxious and agitated.

Agatha said nothing, her keen eyes just following my movements for a very long time. There was no attempt to coax me into the bathtub or to shift out of my wolf. She was just patiently watching, giving me my space as my mind began to work on an endless loop of thoughts.

No, I hadn't planned on my excursion off of the palace grounds. Hell, I was barely given time to process why my body was forcing me to shift before I was sprinting towards my friends. The people who had become my family. My wolf had been so excited to see them that I felt like I had no control over what was happening. They had been here. They were alive. They hadn't given up on me after I had been captured. It had been a wonderful feeling to see my sweet Hunter again and knowing that Thorn was still the guiding force he had always been was comforting. I had gone to them on impulse and once the excitement had worn off I was too deep to leave without notice.

But I had hurt Griffin and though I hadn't truly thought about it before I had been selfish. I had been too filled with heady excitement and attempting to breech hard conversations to think about the state that I had left my mate in. One morning I refused to see him and then I was gone. I didn't know if anyone had seen me leave and alerted him or if he ordered his guards to search the surrounding area. I could just imagine him standing in front of a large window, watching his men mill around the grounds, hoping that one of them would find me and it made my stomach twist with regret. And when he had found me I had been with the same rogues that had been tormenting his guards. I could only imagine what he would think of me.

But I had fought for him. I had turned against those I loved for him. He had seen a glimpse of it, but he wouldn't know the whole story. He wouldn't know how I defended him from Thorn or how much those rogue wolves meant to me. The only way he could understand what I had given up for him would be through me telling him. but I couldn't do that if I was locked up in this room.

With a defeated sigh I laid myself down on the ornate carpet, feeling my ears droop downward. Perhaps he would come and see me after he had some time to cool down, but I was helpless and distraught.

"Are you ready for a bath now, My Lady?" Agatha asked, tilting her head to one side.

I just let tout a little grunt of agreement.

Agatha seemed pleased enough with my response and walked to the heavy door, knocking hard with her fist. My ear pricked as I heard the lock slide then the door creak open. Hushed words were spoken to a guard who immediately shut the door again.

I laid on the floor with my muzzle nestled in the rug for a while. My ear twitched with every sound that passed outside, but I was attempting to appear as uninterested as I could.

The door opened again after a short time. Part of me was hoping it would be Griffin. It wasn't. One maid strode in, lugging a bucket filled with steaming water. Then another. And another one after her. There was a steady line of them and the door stayed open with each maid that passed.

Griffin would not know what I had done for him, the whole story of how my wolf took over, unless I told him. and I wouldn't be able to tell him if I allowed myself to stay locked up in this room.

As to not startle Agatha, I rose to my paws slowly. Her eyes flickered to me briefly, but then her attention refocused on the maids filling the tub. I just gave my dusty coat a lazy shake. She seemed content with this and floated into the room that housed the tub.

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