Chapter 26

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I felt awful whenever I thought about the strain had placed on my relationship with Griffin. Even at the very beginning he had been so excited to have a mate, even if it was just a stunt, scared rogue. His optimism and excitability made it easy for me to fall for him. But now my inability to tell him the truth was forcing us further and further apart with each passing day.

At first I had tried to force myself to tell him the truth. I would come so close to saying the words, but my eyes would well up and my hands would begin to shake. All the things I needed to say refused to tumble out though my heart was begging for the release. It tore me up inside to not be able to explain how I felt and what was truly going on. And it showed so plainly on my face. Sometimes I was able to excuse myself before Griffin could notice, other times he would catch a glance at my shining eyes and reach towards me. Those were the hardest moment, knowing that he wanted to help me but not knowing how to let him. I would always pull away and a look of utter defeat would fall over his face. He would always let me go.

Oliver was becoming frustrated too, though I couldn't blame him either. The threat was very real to him and it wasn't only his conscience telling him that he needed to inform the royal family, it was also his job. If it was ever found out that he knowingly withheld information as dire as this he would certainly lose his job and it was making him increasingly anxious. Almost every time he saw me he would ask me if I had told anyone else yet. He was to the point where he didn't care who knew as long as it was someone in the royal family and his anxiety was seeping into me.

Regardless, I managed to soothe him and convinced him that I would confess everything soon enough. But first, I needed to come to terms with the reality of my situation instead of pushing it to the back of my mind.

As much as I immediately wanted to hate Thorn it wasn't possible. Even when I would attempt to coax the full story out of a healing Hunter I couldn't make myself utterly loathe Thorn just yet. No, he was no longer my leader, no I didn't want to carry on any kind of relationship, but those things did not invalidate the relationship we had before. He had still taken me in when my only other option was to die in the woods. I had been young and naive then, but he hadn't taken advantage of me or abandoned me. It was impossible to think that the Thorn that held me at night when I sobbed for my family was the same Thorn who had blatantly attempted to undress me and violate me in the woods. May times when I considered it I couldn't make myself believe it.

The man that I had trusted, the man I had dedicated my life to, had turned into a monster. And now he wasn't just coming for the royals. He was coming for me too.

"That man has taken too many of your tears." Agatha murmured one morning after she awoke me to dress.

I didn't ask her how she knew about Thorn and the incident. After all this time with her I had learned that she was beyond intuitive and must've had connections all over the palace. Quite and subtle as she may be she knew everything. It didn't matter anyway, she was right. I had spent three nights softly sobbing to myself. I was terrified of what would come next, how Griffin would react when I told him. But I was also mourning the loss of my old life. I could never go back to being the crafty little wolf who survived on wits. But no more. I had chosen Griffin, this was my life now.

And it was time to tell him.

"I'm thinking red this morning." I mused when I approached my armoire, partially ignoring her statement. I needed my clothing to express the fire that was burning within my soul and the resolve that was required to get through this day ahead of me.

"I'm sorry, but the prince has sent a dress he would like you to wear." Agatha murmured, gesturing to a gown that was hung on a hook.

Though I had been subjected to many shows to glamour and luxury while living in the palace my mouth still fell open silently when I looked at the gown. It was a lovely peach colour all the way through and the long skirts flowed down to the floor with grace and classic elegance. Every stitch, every thread was so perfectly in place. But it was the bodice that truly made me speechless. It was coated in glittering gems. Some were a sparkling white that reflected the light so perfectly, others were a soft colour to match the skirt. And they were all swirling together in stunning patterns that must've taken hours to perfect.

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