Valentines Specials

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This is for all you lonely folks out there! You won't be lonely this year! You've got three very smexy bachelors for ya' this year, Anyway enjoy. T^T )/


There you sat in all your glory in the Stark Tower lobby. Sure of course he told you too come on in, but you know the lady at the front desk refused too let you walk too the elevator and she wasn't taking her eyes off of you anytime soon. Your shoes clicked against the floor annoyed.

First your best friend had just gotten married. Your supposed too be happy for her and you are. It's just you felt lonely. You didn't have anyone too invite too her wedding and you surely wheren't going too invite Tony Stark. I mean sure you had a smidge of a crush on him, but inviting him too your best friends wedding was just going too be weird for the both of you, so you went alone.

Even worse than you feeling lonely, Valentines day was coming up. Oh boy, your favorite season! If that wasn't enough, this stupid lady wouldn't let you up too see Tony who had sought YOU out for an appointment.

Your head sought up from your stress intangled hands. There stood Happy. You felt relieved that he was hear. Now you could finally go up and see why Tony needes you. He refused too talk about it over the phone. It was rather odd, but you pushed it away accepting Tony as he is. You stood up and smiled.

"Happy, how are you?"
You said and walked over too him.

"Where have you been? Tony is worried."
He asked and scanned you with his eyes.

"Well, somone wouldn't let me walk past the desk, so in result I've been stuck here."
You say and shoot and glare at the desk lady. Happy follows your glare and nods.

"Yeah, she's new. I'll handle it."
He says and places a hand on my back and leading me too the elevator. "You dressed nice this evening." He said and pressed the top botton. You look to him amd smile.

"Did not."
You say with a smile. He looked over to you with a raised eyebrow. You reconsidered your outfit. Had you dressed up nice subconsciously for Tony?

"Whatever you say."
He says again and the elevator dings. You step out and look around. The floor was mostly empty. It resembled a living room too say the least. The elevator dinged again and you turned too see the elevator door closing with Happy still inside.

"Happy wait!"
You called just as the door shuts. You sigh and rub your temples. Where were you too go? You had no idea of the layout if the floor. I mean sure, you've visted the floor before, but it was very short lived.

"Hello Y/n."
Your eyebrows knitted together. There was no body too the voice?

"Um hello."
You say, feeling slightly crazy.

"I'm am Jarvis a A.I that Mr. Stark built. It is nice too meet you."
He says. You shift on your feet, not really knowing where too look. "If you would please follow me." He says again. You go too say something whenever a bulb lit up on the other side of the room. You point too it and follow after it. Strange.

After what felt like 5 minutes of following bulbs and talking too an A.I, you finally made it too your destination. You stood in front of a door with a pin pass thingy on it.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now