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Rebecca's pov

I woke up to one of my roommates, Hermione shaking me awake.

"Get up, if you don't you'll have to skip breakfast to get to class on time." Hermione said.

"Noooooooooo." I whined burying myself deeper into my covers.

Fay then walked over and ripped the covers off of me and put them on the floor.

"Up! Now!." Fay said.

"Fine, I'm up." I said as I rolled out of bed and onto the covers on the floor before getting to my feet and going over to my trunk to grab my uniform.

I put on a white button up, a gray skirt, my Gryffindor tie, a gray cardigan, black stockings and my Gryffindor robes.

"Hurry up, we're waiting on you so we can go to breakfast." Fay called out to me.

"I'm coming." I said before following her downstairs into the common room where the girls were waiting for us.

Time skip

After having a quick breakfast we split up to go to our classes, Hermione had the same schedule as me so we went to Mcgonagall's together. By the time the bell went everyone was here except Ron and Harry, typical Ron being late. Mcgonagall had assigned some work for us all to do and as I was writing I heard the door open and turned to see Ron and Harry come running in.

"Whew, made it. Can you imagine the look on old Mcgonagall's face if we were late?" Ron said as a cat jumped off of Mcgonagall's desk and turned into her.

"That was bloody brilliant." Ron said causing me to face palm.

"Why thank you for that assessment Mr Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr Potter and yourself into a pocket watch, that way one of you might be on time." Mcgonagall said.

"We got lost." Harry said.

"Then perhaps a map, I trust you don't need one to find your seats." Mcgonagall said before walking back to her seat.

Ron and Harry then shuffled into my row taking their seats beside me.

Time skip

The next class was Professor Snape's potion class and you can bet Ron and Harry got an earful from me on the way there about being late. Once we got there we took our seats, Harry, Ron, Hermione and I in a row, after everyone was seated Snape entered the classroom.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such I don't expect many of you to appreciate the exact art and subtle science that is potion making however for those select few who posses the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses, I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death. Then again maybe some of you have come to hogwarts with abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not not pay attention. Mr Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me, what would I get if I added powders root of asvidel to an infusion of wormwood? You don't know, well let's try again. Where Mr Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezel?" Snape asked.

"I don't know sir." Harry replied.

"And what is the difference between monkswood and woolfbane?" Snape asked.

"I don't know sir." Harry replied.

"Pity, clearly fame isn't everything, is it Mr Potter?" Snape asked.

"Clearly Hermione knows so it's w pity not to ask her." Harry replied.

"Put your hand down you silly girl. For your information Mr Potter, Asvidel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the draft of the living dead, a bezel is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and will save you from most poisons, as for monkswood and Wolfbane they are the same plant. Well, why aren't you all copying this down? And Gryffindors note that 5 points will be taken from your house for your classmate's cheek." Shape said.

'Well he's an arse.' I thought to myself as I copied everything down.

Next Day

After that 'fun' first day I sent Percy to make sure the boys got up in Time really not wanting them to miss breakfast and then face Professor Snape's wrath. We were now sitting at the Gryffindor table for breakfast.

"Eye of rabbit, heart string him, turn this water into rum." Seamus said as he waved his wand at his glass of water.

"What's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?" Harry asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked.

"He's trying to turn it into Rum, he actually managed a weak tea yesterday before-" Ron was cut off by seamus's spell backfiring and blowing up.

"Are you alright Seamus?!" I asked him from across the table.

He simply nodded as everyone else laughed but they fell silent as the squawk of Owls filled our ears.

"Mail's here." Ron said.

After Ron said that loads of Owls came swooping in dropping letters, packages and newspapers into people's arms before flying off again. An owl flew over my head dropping a small package and two letters into my arms. I looked at the letters first to see who sent them, there was one from Mum and Dad and another one from Ginny, then I checked to see who sent the package, it was a gift, A heart shaped locket with a family photo in it and a letter from my older brother Charlie.

"Ron, 'Becca, someone's broke into gringotts." Harry said drawing my attention away from my mail. "Listen, believed to be the work of dark wizards or witches unknown, Gringotts goblins while acknowledging the breach insist that nothing as taken. The vault in question number 713 had in fact been emptied that very same day. That's odd, that's the vault Hagrid and I went to."

"Well you said Hagrid was getting something for Professor Dumbledore, whatever it was was probably extremely valuable." I said.

"Of course it was valuable it was in gringotts duh! And you call me the stupid twin." Ron said.

"Says the one who can't even get up in time for classes." I said.

"Quit fighting you two." Hermione ordered.

"Yes mum." Ron and I said in unison.

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