Getting past fluffy

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Rebecca's pov

It's been a little while since our detention and tonight is the night that Snape is gonna try to steal the stone and we were getting ready to go after him. We entered the common room after preparing everything we would need but stoped when we heard a toad croaking.

"Trevor. Trevor shhhh, go you shouldn't be here." Ron whisper yelled at the road.

"Neither should you, you're sneaking out again aren't you?" Neville said as he came out from where he was hiding to confront us.

"Neville listen, we-" Harry was cut off.

"No, I won't let you! You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again, I'll fight you." Neville said.

"Would you rather You-Know-Who was revived and given immortality? I know what his followers did to your parents Neville." I said.

"Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this, petrificus totalus." Hermione said waving her wand and terrifying Neville, he fell backwards and lay stiff as a board.

"You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant, but scary." Ron said to Hermione.

"Let's go." Harry said. "Sorry"

"Sorry." Hermione said as she walked passed him.

"Sorry Neville, we don't have a choice." I said as I followed Hermione.

"It's for your own good you know." Ron said before following us as well.

Time skip

We used Harry's invisibility cloak to get through the castle undetected. As we entered the third floor corridor we slowed our pace a little.

"Ow! You stood on my foot." Hermione complained.

"Sorry." Ron apologized as Hermione reached her hand that grasped her wand out of the cloak and pointed it at the door.

"Alohamora." Hermione said before pulling the door open.

We entered the room, quickly closing the door behind us. The room was empty besides a giant, sleeping three headed dog and an enchanted Harp.

"Wait a minute, he's-" Ron was cut off by the dogs breath blowing the cloak off of us.

"Snoring." I finished for my twin.

"Snape's already been here, he's enchanted the harp." Harry said.

"Eww, he's got horrible breath." Ron complained.

"We have to move it's paw." Harry said.

"What?!" Ron asked.

"Come on!" Harry ordered. "Okay, push."

All four of us pushed the dog's paw off of the trap door with a bit of a struggle, but once we had gotten it off we opened the trap door.

"I'll go first-" Harry began but was cut off when I started playing my ocarina.

"Why are you playing that now of all times?!?!" Ron exclaimed.

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