Troll in the dungeon

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Rebecca's pov

It's Halloween and everyone is excited to finish classes and go to the Halloween feast. It was our final class of the day, professor Flitwick's Charms class. I was sitting beside Ron as I do in all my classes with a feather set out in front of me.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation or the ability to make objects fly. Do you have your feathers? Good. Now don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing. Swish and flick, Everyone." Professor Flitwick said.

"Swish and flick." Everyone said as we did the wand movement.

"Good oh and enunciate, Wingardium Leviosa, off you go then." Professor said.

Everyone picked up their wands and began trying to cast the spell.

"Wingardium Leviosa." I said as I flicked my wand but nothing happened and Ron held back a snigger. "Go on you do it then." I said annoyed.

"Alright then, Wingardium Leviosa." Ron said before wildly waving his wand, this time it was my turn to snigger as Hermione stopped him.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, You're going to take someone's eye out and besides your saying it wrong it's LeviOsa not LeviosAAA.

"Someone's been told." I said.

"Oh shut up." Ron huffed. "You two do it then if you're both so clever go on, go on."

"Wingardium LeviOsa." Hermione said and with a flick of her wand the feather was up in the air on her first try, the whole class fell silent to look at the feather in awe.

"Well Done, see here everyone Miss Granger's done it, Splendid." Flitwick said.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Seamus said waving his wand and exploding his feather by accident.

"I think we're going to need another feather over here professor." Harry said.

"Wingardium LeviOsa." I said doing as Hermione said and my feather soon joined her in the air.

"Well Done Miss Weasley, Splendid now I'm going to get another Feather, everyone may continue." Flitwick said.

Time skip

Ron, Harry and I entered the Great hall for dinner and looked around in awe at the decoration, the normal clear night sky projected on the ceiling was stormy and the floating candles had now been replaced with jack'O'lanterns and all of the food spread across the tables was Halloween themed. We sat down beside Percy, Fred and George and began eating as everyone else had.

"Have you guys been to hogsmeade yet? I've been dying to prank Filch since the beginning of the year." I asked the twins.

"Not yet, our first trip isn't in till after Christmas, we could sneak you out with us with us." Fred began.

"Which means you get to help us pick out all the best stuff to prank him with." George added.

"Brilliant, we should stock up so that we can play multiple pranks between Hogsmeade trips." I said.

"Again, this is why you're our favourite." Fred said.

"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked.

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