The chess match

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Rebecca's pov

We then walked through into the next room where we were met by a bunch of flying, keys?

"Curious, I've never seen birds like these." Hermione said.

"They're not birds, they're keys and I bet one of them fits that door." Harry said as we walked further into the room where a broomstick lay waiting.

"What's this all about?" I asked.

"I don't know." Harry replied.

Ron then decided to try the door, Hermione and I following close behind him.

"Strange, Alohamora! Well it was worth a try." Ron said.

"Ughhhh! What are we going to do?" Hermione asked.

"Find the key." I suggested.

"There must be a thousand keys up there." Hermione said.

"We're looking for a big old fashion one, probably rusty like the handle." Ron said.

"There! I see it, the one with the broken wing." Harry said as he pointed it out.

"What's wrong Harry?" I asked as he hesitated.

"Oh go on Harry, if snape could catch it on that old broomstick you can, you're the youngest seeker in a century." Ron encouraged.

The second Harry grabbed hold of the broom the keys swarmed around him.

"This complicates things a bit." Ron said.

But harry still got onto the broom  and sped after the key as all of the other ones swarmed and attacked him. He grabbed the key and came flying over our heads.

"Grab the key!" Harry said as he dropped the key and Hermione then jumped to catch it before it could fly away again.

Hermione then ran and unlocked the door, the three of us went in and held the door open for Harry who sped through it on the broom before the three of us quickly soaked it shut before the keys could follow.

"Whew! That was close." I said.

"You can say that again." Ron agreed.

"Look, it's that barbaric game of yours." Hermione said as she pointed over to the huge game of wizards chess that was between us and the other door.

"It's wizards chess!" Ron and I corrected.

"Come on, we have to stop Snape." Harry said and so the three of us followed him onto the chess board however when we tried to pass the white pawns they drew their swords and blocked our path.

"Now what do we do?" Hermione asked.

"It's obvious isn't it? We gotta play our way across the room. Alright Harry you take the empty bishop square, Hermione you'll be the queen side castle, 'Becca you'll take the King's place, it's the safest for you since that's what we're protecting and as for me, I'll be a knight." Ron said.

We all followed Ron's orders going to our specified places to start the game.

"What happens now?" Hermione asked.

"Well, white moves first and then we play." Ron replied.

One of the white pawns moved and then the game began.

"Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like real wizards chess do you?" Hermione asked.

"You there D5." Ron ordered a pawn, it went to the specified square and was then destroyed by the white pawn. "Yes Hermione, I think this is gonna be exactly like wizards chess."

The game went one with pieces from both sides being destroyed. Ron made sure to be extra careful when using the pieces that we were filling in for and he did everything he could to make sure I was protected. We were nearing the end of the game and Ron was acting a bit off.

"Wait a minute." Harry said.

"You understand right Harry? Once I make my move the queen will take me, then you're free to check the king." Ron said.

"No! Ron No!" Harry yelled.

"Ron please, please don't do this, there has to be another way." I said.

"What is it?" Hermione asked.

"He's going to sacrifice himself." Harry explained.

"No you can't! There must be another way!" Hermione yelled.

"Do you wanna stop Snape from getting that stone or not? Harry, it's you that has to go on, I know it, not me, not Rebecca, not Hermione, You. Knight to H3." Ron said before riding the piece to the desired square, I watched in fear and horror as my the queen moved towards my brother and then drew her sword stabbing through the piece Ron was on and knocking him to the ground with the broken pieces.

"Ron!!!!" Harry and I yelled.

Hermione and I both went to run to the injured and unconscious Ron but Harry stopped us.

"No! Don't move! Don't forget, we're still playing." Harry said before he walked across the board. "Checkmate."

The king dropped it's sword signifying the end of the match before Hermione and I both immediately ran to Ron's side. After that I don't really know what happened as I hugged Ron's unconscious body, bawling my eyes out. It wasn't until Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape came to help. Professor McGonagall helped me up and away from Ron as her and Hermione tried to sooth me as Professor Snape picked up Ron.

Time skip

I was in the hospital wing sitting at Ron's bedside when professor Snape entered the room.

"Thank you professor, for helping bring Ron back. The idiot is always trying to protect me and forgetting he needs to protect himself too." I said.

"You're most very welcome Miss Weasley." Snape said.

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