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The meditation lasted all night. She knew that the longer she spent in her meditative state, the better the bond would be suppressed. The door opened, but the sound didn't reach her. Something gently tapped her shoulder and she took a breath as she exited her state and opened her eyes. Her blue eyes met her mother's green and she gave her a soft smile. The low light from the beginning stages of sunrise cast upon the older woman. She looked radiant, but then again, she always thought her mother had.

"Good morning, Lena. You're up early."

Lena laughed, "If this is what you define as early, I must start slacking off in the future."


"Did you get any sleep?"

She shook her head, "No. I meditated through the rest of the day and through the night. I wanted to make sure it worked. Did it?"

Lena nodded. Though she didn't voice it, there was a part of her that was saddened by that. And pretty sure she felt the bond go away. It wasn't something that caused pain. But it was definitely something. She gave her a sad smile, "Are you hungry? I can have the driver pick us up something before he gets here."

"That's probably a good idea. I have to eat more calories than humans and considering I didn't eat yesterday, I should probably eat. But only if you get something as well."

"Deal. Anything you want specifically."

"Just no kale. Please spare me there. Otherwise, I'm not super picky."

Lena scoffed at her and left the room to make the call. Keela stood up and looked at her current outfit, then to the pile of clothes from yesterday. She couldn't wear the same thing for obvious reasons, but the pants weren't in bad condition. They were just black pants, so they didn't give anything away. She decided a shower would be a good idea. It was a quick one and when she came out, she found a brush and toothbrush on the bed along with a small travel sized toothpaste, deodorant, and some hair accessories. More accessories than she would ever need for day to day things. A mental note was made to thank Lena when she got a chance. She wore her pants and her mom's sweatshirt. She brushed her teeth and hair, throwing her hair up into a ponytail. Once she had her glasses on, she head out towards the living room. Her mom stood there on the phone, looking all business and lethal.

"Of course I want to see you, Sam. You and Ruby are family. Please, come. Matter of fact, we can have lunch today. Yo-" Her eyes met Keela's and she froze.

As if she could read her mind, Keela whispered, "Please. I'm not going to miss an opportunity to see Ruby so young. Let please have lunch with them."

Lena hesitated then jumped as Sam asked of she was ok, "Yes, I'm quite fine. I just forgot that my um little cousin is in town and I'm currently watching her. Is it alright if she tags along?"

Keela did a happy dance and walked over to put her shoes on. She was so going to get blackmail on her cousin. There was no way she wouldn't take advantage of the situation. Maybe it was cynical, but maybe it was the Luthor genes shining through. She stood by the door and waited for her mother excitedly, suddenly looking forward to the day. Her aunt Sam was one of her favorite people. She was also one of the most badass women that she knew. Though, all the women in her life were badasses. Sam was more of a secret badass. It was known to people who knew her, but those who didn't seemed to associate her with a warm cinnamon roll. It was especially funny when higher class snobs tried to cross her. They would be caught so off guard by her fury. And when she hit, she'd make it hurt. Hell hath no fury like Samantha Arias.

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