Pizza and Potstickers

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Keela had woken up as the sun was falling below the horizon. Her mother was still asleep, but she had moved. Keela was now laying with her head resting on Lena's shoulder. Lena's head slightly rested on her's, still caught in a very deep sleep. Mom always worked herself too hard. Even moreso in this time. Without waking her up, Keela got out of bed and stretched. She felt much better from sleeping all day. She walked to the edge of the bed and grabbed the folded blanket laying there and covered up her mom. Without Keela's body heat, she knew she would get cold.

There was barely a sound made as she left the room. She was thirsty and VERY hungry as well. And oh. Someone in the building had potstickers and... pizza. Her stomach growled and she groaned. Pizza and potstickers sounded like heaven to the young super. In fact, her hunger must've been making it worse, because she swore the smell was getting closer. She stopped in her tracks as she was reaching for a cup. The smell WAS getting stronger. It was getting stronger because it was getting closer. And that's when she heard that familiar heartbeat. Jeju is here.  She heard Kara getting closer and she made her way to the door. Her mom had stopped on the other side of the door. Both Kryptonians were aware that the other was standing there, only a door stood between them. Keela took a deep breath and opened the door, "Hi," her voice coming out softly.

Kara stood there and took in the sight that was her daughter. Keela really was her daughter. Nothing could tell her otherwise. Yes, it was confusing and sort of a mess with the whole time travel thing, but she didn't care. She was here. She was in front of her.

"Hey. I uh brought some food. I know that, if you're anything like me, you'd be hungry. Especially after.."

"Come in, Kara," Keela stepped back to let her in, closing the door behind her.

The two walked in silence to the kitchen. Keela grabbed them both a glass of water and they sat at the table. There was a certain vibration the air between them was giving off. They could both feel it, but neither acknowledged it. Keela just didn't know what to say. She was more than happy to be spending time with her mom again, but she felt on the defensive. Whether she wanted to or not. Her body just reacting to the events that took place in the early hours of the day.

And Kara? Kara just felt guilty. She knew what she did was wrong. When it came to Lena being in danger, her thinking process would get scrambled. She would panic and rush things. And it really came back to bite her this time She had hurt her daughter. She had hurt Lena. Her family. Granted, they weren't all technically a family yet. The guilt was still there, "Keela, I wanted to apologize. The way Alex and I handled the situation... it-we crossed a line. We more than crossed it. And I'm so sorry for that."

Keela let out a sigh and looked to Kara, "I'm not going to say that it was ok, because it wasn't. The way you and aunt Alex handled it all wasn't right. It wasn't ok, but I do understand. I probably understand better than anyone in this time. Which may seem a bit strange to you, since you've only known me for a few days. But I've known you all my life. I know what you act like when mom er Lena is in danger. Granted, she's a LOT more capable in the future. More than capable to hold her own. Though that's not the point. The point is, I understand. Kara, you love her. People do crazy things when they're in love. Just... think things through a little bit more next time."

Kara found herself, once again, taking in the sight that was her daughter. Keela continued to surprise her. She was kind and understanding, also forgiving and wise. The young woman in front of her was, without a doubt, someone she was proud of. Even if she had only known her for a short time, "You certainly are wise for being only 17."

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