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Cold. It wasn't something she was used to. But she was so damn cold. And fuzzy, her head felt fuzzy. There was an ache that she felt. She wanted to open her eyes, but even that felt like it would wear her out. She was laying down. There were sounds, but even with her super hearing, they sounded so muffled and so far away. But she could still hear the sounds and she could still feel the cold and feel the pain. Which sucked, but it meant she was alive.

What felt like hours was probably only a few minutes, but she finally was able to open her eyes. She was in the Lcorp lab. From what she could see, someone had cleaned up the mess. She also noticed she wasn't in her suit. Probably for obvious reasons. With her hearing coming back, she heard someone typing. Slowly her head turned to see her mother at a computer, completely focused on the screen. Keela took in a deep breath slowly, allowing her lungs to feel full. It hurt, but felt good. Like stretching a sore muscle. After a few times, she spoke up, "Don't focus too hard. You'll strain your eyes."

Her voice was weaker than normal and very scratchy, but it had gotten her mother's attention. Lena's eyes shot to Keela and was up and by her bed within seconds. Human speed. This was most likely the younger version of her mother.

Lena grabbed Keela's hand, "I swear to god or rao or whoever, don't you EVER scare me like that again, Keela Alexandra."

Or maybe it wasn't the younger version of her mother.


"Not yet. Elizabeth restored my lost memories. Something about no time to explain and needing help asap. Honestly, I now know I have to go through almost losing my daughter a second time and I'm not sure I can manage," Lena tried to joke.

"I mean, at least you'll know what to look out for?"

"I'm afraid not. I'll have to have my memory wiped again after this."

Keela gave a said smile, "Tough luck."

Lena laughed, "Why do I feel like raising you is going to be a handful?"

"Because it is," A voice came from behind her.

Both women turned to the voice. It was future Kara. She still had her suit on, but the helmet was off. She walked to Keela's other side and held her hand, "You have no idea how many headaches this girl is going to give you."

Keela gave a weak smile, "Rude. And also, spoilers!"

Kara let out a laugh, "Firstly, if anyone can handle spoilers, it's your mother. You know, the one who invented time travel? Secondly, you have no room to talk about spoilers."

Lena nodded, "I mean, you've practically told me your whole life story."

"Wow. Even when you're from different times, you STILL gang up on me."

"It's out of love," Lena kisses her daughter's hand then looks to her future wife, "I have to run up stairs and take care of a few things. You'll be ok here, right?"

Kara nodded, "Yeah. Just don't let me from this time come in while I'm here. Interacting with yourself can be bad. It can be harmless, but it also can be bad."

Lena agreed to keep an eye on the cameras and then said goodbye. She walked out and closed the newly repaired door. Her body shuttered as it replayed the events from the previous day. So much had happened. Not only did she lose the memory of her daughter, but there was also a fight in her lab that made such a mess. There was a decent amount of equipment destroyed, but nothing too important. Then after all the fighting, her daughter almost died. Her daughter she forgot she had. But then her future self needed her help and there wasn't anytime to explain, so Elizabeth restored her memories thinking it would help her understand. Honestly, she would've helped Keela anyways, even if she wasn't exactly sure who she was under the suit. When her memories were restored, she had one hell of a headache and it only caused her more panic as she realized this bleeding stranger wasn't a stranger at all. So, her, her future self, and future Kara all worked quickly on Keela. It was only after they got her stable, did she realize who the two in the suit were.

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