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She could feel them before she woke up. The kryptonite emitters were on high enough that she knew she wouldn't be able to break the cuffs this time. In fact, they were up enough that it did more than make her human. She wasn't sure how long she had been exposed to them, but it was long enough that she was getting sick. She ached and was worried that if she was exposed to the same amount for too much longer, she might puke. She really hated kryptonite with a burning passion. As she opened her eyes and looked around she realized exactly where she was. Back at the DEO. Normally, that would be comforting to her, but right now, not so much. The door opened and her aunt and mother walked in, closing the door behind them.

"Welcome back," Alex quipped.

"Yes, the kryptonite emitters are always a welcoming sight."

"Well, when you break out once, it's better to take precautions. Especially, since you went after Lena Luthor right after," Kara's voice showing her anger.

"I didn't go after her. I just wanted to save her," She shifted in her seat and she felt the charm against her wrist.

"See, I'm not so sure about that. Because the attack at the event you 'saved' Lena at, just seemed too coincidental. Looks like the protesters who attacked were a cover up for what you really had in mind," Alex said with authority.

Keela's fingers squeezed the charm, "The only thing I had in mind was saving Lena. She's, quite literally, the last person I'd ever hurt."

Alex sat in the chair in front of her, "What are you hiding, Keela? If that's even your name."

"It is. And I can't tell you. What I CAN tell you is that I need to get out of the DEO before its tech starts to scramble my signal."

"Right, right, the one being sent to the future."


"I don't buy that story for a second. Now either you're going to start telling me what I need to know, or it's going to be a long day."

Lena was a little panicked when she realized Keela wasn't there in the morning. The balcony door was open, so she assumed there was something her daughter had to do or simply wanted to do. She had tried to send her a text, but heard the phone go off and she saw it on the coffee table. She might not have known her for too long, but Keela didn't seem like the person to just up and leave. Maybe there was an emergency. Lena wondered, but she got her answer when her phone went off. The specific tone that shot through the phone speakers was one she had for a specific reason. She quickly pulled up the application she installed to show the location of the bracelet. The moment it was pulled up, she felt furious.

She called Jess to let her know she wasn't coming in today and to reschedule the appointments she had. The clock said 7:26 as she pulled up to the DEO. It was too early in the day to be this angry. Yet, here she was. She stopped the security guard in his tracks as he was about to ask her what her business was there. But the moment he realized who she was, he froze. She wasted no time getting into the elevator. This was really her least favorite place. She finally made it to the right floor and headed straight for the main area, instantly seeing Supergirl and Alex talking. Maybe if she wasn't so angry, it might make her feel a little strange to be around Kara after finding out that they have a child together and that her suspicions were confirmed about her being supergirl. But she could care less about that right now. Because right now she was here to do one thing, get her daughter back. And she wasn't leaving until that was accomplished. So, she marched right up to both of them. Kara turned to her looking very surprised, "Lena, what ar-"

"Where is she?"


"Don't play dumb. Especially not now. Where is Keela?"

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