I Wasn't Asking

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"Director Danvers."

Alex could hear a voice calling her. She felt like she had been sleeping for days.

"Director Danvers, can you hear me?"

She could feel someone gently shaking her body. Then a second voice was heard.

"She'll wake up, they all will."

Alex finally opened her eyes and was met by two people in suits. Her instincts took over and she slapped the woman's hands away from her. She stood up quick she aimed her gun at her, "Who are you?"

The woman put her hands up, "Easy, Director, I'm here to help. Don't you remember?"

Alex paused, she couldn't remember either of these women. Their voices sounded slightly distorted through the helmets. When they talked it sounded like three blended voices.

The second woman spoke up, "They must've got to them before we get here. That mind wipe device we destroyed was probably used on them."

"Mind wipe device," Alex questions.

The first person stuck out her hand, "I'm Beth."

Alex hesitantly took her hand, "Alex."

The other woman just waved, "I'm Kee."

Alex heard a groan and saw her sister on the floor next to Lena. Kee went and knelt next to Kara, "Easy, Supergirl."

Kara's eyes shot open at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. A woman in a black suit was standing over her. She reacted and within a second had the stranger in a headlock, "Who are you?"

Keela was rather annoyed by the response. She knows it was a possibility for her mom to react like this. One of the side effects of getting your memory wiped was being on edge for an hour or so after the initial wipe. Literally, not even 30 minutes ago she was hugging this woman and now she's been put in a headlock by her. Technically, her strength over powered Kara's in this time. She could get out of the hold if she wanted, but she knew that fighting back would only put Kara more on edge. She just took a deep breath, "Supergirl, I mean you no harm. We just got here after you were attacked. We're here to help."


Elizabeth spoke up, "Yes, Kee and I are here to help you. It looks like your memory has been wiped, so you don't remember our previous encounters. We are working to find Lex Luthor, remember?"

"No, actually. I don't."

Keela spoke up, "Look, I get you're all defensive right now, but could you let me go so we can explain?"

Kara slowly let the woman, Kee, was it?, go. Keela stretched when she was finally free then continued to tell the cover story her and her cousin came up with, "As Beth was saying, we're here helping you find Lex Luthor. You told us to meet you here, but when we got here you were all unconscious. There were two people in here who were trying to stop you, but we took care of them. They had a mind wiping device that we destroyed. I assume they used it on you to try and make you forget about his escape."

"And who are you two, exactly? We know your names, but we don't know you," Alex said while still suspicious of the two.

Elizabeth answered this time, "We are trying to fix the timeline. You guys know about the Legends on Earth-1. Well, we're a bit like them, but not on such a big scale. You see, Lex was not supposed to get out in 2019. So, we're here to help find him and return him to where he belongs. And with as little fuss as possible."

"Ow," Kara yelled and everyone turned to see her rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah, I wouldn't recommend trying to see passed the helmets. It tends to hurt the eyes," Keela informed her mother.

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