Crash Landing

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The Earth cracked against her back, causing the surrounding area to shake as well. She wasn't exactly sure where she landed. She had been in a rush to obey the order she was given and didn't see whoever was behind her as she tried to portal back. Getting hit at the wrong moment has been known to cause problems portaling. So, really, she knew she could be in a number of places. The sun was bright in the clear sky and she couldn't hear much around her, but she could tell there was a city nearby. No one near her though.

Her arms tried to lift her up, but her body protested annoyingly. So, she just laid in the sun. The sun would help her. Feeling the energy from the sun reassured her. A nap would do her good. Granted, doing so in the middle of nowhere wasn't the best place. But it wasn't like she was going anywhere anytime soon. So, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to rest and soak up the sun. Slowly, brought to sleep.

It didn't last long. Her eyes snapped open when she heard the familiar sound of a clip being loaded. She sat up quickly, realizing she hadn't been there more than an hour. There was no one that could be seen from where she was, so she stood up and started to run. She still wasn't up to full power, but that was ok because she also wanted to appear human. Heartbeats rang in her ears and she made her way away from them. Her feet carried her to a tree to stay out of view. Muscles tense as she heard the heartbeats getting closer. They could be his soldiers and a fight was to be avoided at all costs.

So, she stood quiet. Focusing on the people she was hiding from, trying to eavesdrop on them.

"Well, something hit here. There's no doubt about that."

"But who? Or what?"

"Whatever, whoever, they definitely left a mark. I'd say they're between 5foot 5 and 6 feet. Just judging on the length of the crater. It's not very deep though, so they couldn't have hit too hard."

"You say that, but if one of us left a crater like that, we wouldn't be talking right now."

"Whatever did this is on the run. Has anyone seen the director?"

Her face wore a confused look, director? The thought presented the question just as the answer appeared. It was in the form of a short haired woman in black with a gun pointed in her direction, "You didn't get far."

This wasn't supposed to happen. No, this was probably the LAST thing that was supposed to happen. It was an accident. An inconvenient accident. One that caused her to need to improvise. Because her aunt now stood in front of her. Which, normally wouldn't be a problem. But her aunt looked younger than when she last saw her. And judging by the suit she was wearing, she knew she had fallen too far back. She wasn't sure what year it was, but there was one thing Keela was sure of... she fucked up.

Keela put her hands out in the open to show she wasn't a threat, "It was an accident!"

Alex took in the sight of the woman in front of her, she stood about the same height as her maybe an inch or two taller. Her raven black hair was covered in dirt, much like the rest of her. What caught her most was the blue of her eyes. Something about the specific shade of blue reminded her of someone, but she couldn't figure out what. But that wasn't important. This woman needed to be brought in, accident or not, there were questions that needed to be answered.

"Hands behind your back and turn around," The director commanded.

"Yes, ma'am," she quickly obeyed, turning and putting her hands exactly where they needed to be.

Alex cuffed her and alerted her team that she had the alien in custody. The walk to the van was quick. They were both thankful that the ride over to the DEO didn't involve too much traffic and they quickly made their way up to the floor they needed. Alex had a hand around her arm pushing on a pressure point just incase she decided to act up.

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