Going Home

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This was it. Keela was finally going home and Lena was going to have her memory wiped of everything yet again. She was ready for it, yet not prepared for the memories to go. It was similar to how she felt the last time she had her memory wiped. But it had to be done. If there was one thing she didn't want to do, it was messing up the future. Especially ruining any chance of Keela not existing. That was her biggest fear.

She opened the door to her lab to see future Kara and Keela laughing with one another. Yeah, that was something she definitely didn't want to risk not having. A family. No... a LOVING family. She remembers how her future self acted with her wife. And, though it was still a bit unfamiliar to her, the love between them was seen in every exchange between the two. And she saw how Keela's face lit up when she talked about or with her mothers. She knew the truth. Everything was going to be ok. Better than ok, it was going to be perfect.

Keela's eyes met hers, "Mom!"

She smiled and shook her head. Still not used to the name nor feeling of someone being that excited by her presence, but it was a nice change from her norm. Sure, it was baffling how she even got from where she is now to where she is in the future, but a lot can happen in a few decades. Hell, she wasn't even human anymore in the future. But that was something she didn't even want to dive into right now.

Lena made her way to Kara and Keela, "Hello, you two."

Kara gave her a smile and patted her shoulder gently, "I'll give you two a moment to say goodbye," then walked to one of the desks.

Lena muttered a thank you. Future Kara just radiated a different energy. It wasn't completely different, but it was utterly new to her. She looked to the young woman laying on the hospital style bed, soaking up the radiation from the sunlamps above her. Keela Alexandra Luthor-Danvers. Keela Zor-El. Her daughter. The girl who had inherited a mix of her and Kara's features. Eyes that were unmistakably from Kara, smile too. Though, Keela had a smug smirk that resembled herself all too much. The raven colored locks matched hers nearly perfectly. The list could go on, but it didn't need to. It was unmistakable who Keela came from.

Lena glanced to her future wife and found the woman looking at her in a way she wasn't used to. But in a way that was making her whole body react. Like electricity ran through her, her stomach to flip, her heart to race, and her breathing to stutter. She gave a smile and turned back to her daughter and took a deep breath.

Keela noticed her mother take in the air and release. There seemed to be something wrong. Keela also noticed the skip in Lena's heart beat and how it was racing. Her hand gently landed on Lena's, causing the CEO to look at her with a soft, questioning look.

"Hey, you ok?"

"Yeah. It's just... I'm not used to uh," she felt her cheeks flush, "Someone looking at me with so much feeling."

It took the younger kryptonian a second to comprehend what her mother meant, but she nodded once she did, "Yeah, she does that a lot. You both do. It's gross and mushy."

"Hey," Lena smacked Keela's shoulder.

She could only laugh at the reaction, "I'm kidding. I mean, it IS mushy. But it's also beautiful. The way you two love eachother... there's nothing more true. Though, Elizabeth would probably argue the same about her parents. But she's not here right now, so she can't say shit."

Keela sat up and turned to Lena. She was going to miss this version of her mother, but she also knew she wasn't suppose to meet her in the first place. So, she was thankful for the time she DID have with her. It was strange in a way, seeing the difference that time held on her mother. Of course, physically, she wasn't much different. A few things could be seen if you looked hard enough, but even then you'd have to be looking very hard. But the biggest difference was in her attitude. Lena Luthor now was a force to be reckoned with, but Lena Luthor-Danvers in the future could level you with a look. And that doesn't mean with her heat vision.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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