Wrong Time

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It was off. Something wasn't right. If she had her watch, she'd be able to double check to see if it was an anomaly. Lex wasn't suppose to get out. Well, not until 2021. This could lead to a huge aberration. No, this wasn't good at all. This could very well fuck everything up. He's out two years before he is actually suppose to be out. Some would ask what the big deal was with it only being two years off. What can two years do in the grand scheme of things? A whole fucking lot, that's what. Especially with someone like her uncle. She had never met the man, he was assumed dead in her time. But that didn't mean Keela didn't know what he was capable of.

Lena was a mess of thoughts. Keela could tell just by looking at her. But she couldn't blame her mother, she was doing the exact same thing. It was around 8pm now. They couldn't even get through one day without something coming up. Kara had to go to the DEO to report and Keela went to Lcorp with Lena. Lena had tried to get Keela to stay at the loft, but her daughter wasn't having it. Not with Lex being on the loose. She wasn't going to let Lena go unprotected.

Keela really wished she had her team with her. They could come up with a plan of action and fix it. They'd get Lex back where he'd belong. But she didn't have her team, she just had herself. And her parents and aunts, but they wouldn't understand the protocols that were needed. Well, maybe they would, but she didn't have time to go over all of the rules and regulations with everyone. She needed to be involved, but not in the spot light. And figuring out how to do that was going to be a challenge. She could at least mention that Lex isn't suppose to be out. It might actually help everyone understand the situation. Her thoughts kept going back and forth, arguing whether or not to tell them just how bad the situation was.

She felt something hit her shoulder and she was pulled from her thoughts to see what had hit her. It was a pen. She looked up to see Lena looking at her from her desk, waiting for her to say something. Oh! She must've been trying to get my attention. She smiles a bit embarrassed, "I'm sorry. Did you say something? I was kinda zoned out."

"Yes, I said your name at least 5 times," she said with a small laugh, "I was seeing if you wanted to discuss any of those thoughts I can see racing through your mind."

Keela sighed deeply and decided she would tell her, "It's all a head ache. Which I'm sure you already know. But this is a bigger mess than it seems. Lex isn't supposed to be out. Not just the fact that he's obviously suppose to be in prison right now, but he doesn't get out. In 2019 he's in prison the whole year, so the fact that he's out could-"

"Mess with the future."

"Exactly. And now I have responsibility to fix it. It's part of what I do in the future. We don't have a whole lot of times where the timeline needs correcting, but it's enough that there are a handful of us assigned to correct it when needed. But in this particular situation, I have to be more cautious than normal because I'm closely related to all of it. If I interfere in the wrong way I could-"

"Also mess with the future."

"Yes, actually. How do- you know what, I don't know why I'm surprised. Of course you'd understand. It only makes sense that the person who invented time travel would understand the concept of the consequences of meddling too much."

"I invented time travel?"

A loud smack was heard as Keela facepalmed, "Yeah. Yeah, you did."

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