ch 1. alien cat

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Jeff The Killer was just walking through the woods in the middle of the night with his knife in hand, heading towards the city to perform his usual acts of terror.

Simply said, murder.

As he was walking, he eventually heard the sound of small light footsteps gently prancing behind him. He turned, assured of hearing something, but as as soon as he looked, the footsteps stopped and nothing was there to see.

"...One of those idiots probably tagged along..." Jeff muttered to himself, referring to his companions that he usually hunted in the night with. "If one of you followed me, fuck off! I don't need any-"

Jeff stopped when suddenly out from the bushes stepped a small white creature with wide rose colored eyes and a notable grin on its face. It had big, cat-like ears with long floppy 'ears' flowing from the cat ears, and two rings around the floppy ears.

[This is Kyubey, if you don't know-]

[This is Kyubey, if you don't know-]

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"What...the hell..." Jeff uttered, glaring at the creature in pure bewilderment. The being tilted its head, its ears flopping briskly to the side before it suddenly squeaked aloud, "Jeffrey Woods!"

"....Talking cat....?"

The being walked around in a small circle before facing Jeff again, sitting down while folding its tail neatly around its paws. "In no sensible way whatsoever am I a cat," It exclaimed plainly, "I'm a being whose origins reside far far from this planet. My names' Kyubey."

Jeff stepped up towards this 'Kyubey' and slightly bent down, examining it closely. "You're some real weird shit, you know that?" Jeff muttered, tilting his head, "are you real or am I just hallucinating again?"

"Again?" Kyubey remarked, "I can assume seeing things is a habit for you. But no, I am not a hallucination, I am real, and I am here to strike with you a once in a lifetime deal."

Jeff slowly reached out and placed a hand on top of Kyubey's head to confirm it was real. Once the soft 'fur' brushed against Jeff's palm, he quickly pulled his hand back and stared at Kyubey with wider than normal eyes.

"How-what are you?" Jeff whispered, glaring down the creature intensely. "What I am is not important right now," Kyubey sighed, "I want to make a deal with you, Jeffrey Woods! A deal that allows you to make a wish, a single wish for anything you'd ever want!"

Jeff stayed quiet for a while before scoffing slightly, then he laughed aloud, standing back up straight and covering his head, walking to the side a bit. "A wish. A strange alien kitty from outer space wants to make some deal with me and offer me a 'wish'. This is some real bullshit that I-"

Jeff suddenly stopped and turned back to Kyubey, slightly growling. "Which one of the assholes at the mansion sent you, huh? Are you one of Jason's creations? A toy?"

Kyubey tilted his head and answered, "I'm not a 'toy'. I also have no record of who this 'Jason' is, but I do know who you are, Jeffrey."

"How do you know my name then?"

Kyubey shook his head, "That's not important right now. Like I said, I want to make a deal with you. I assure you that I can guarantee you any wish you'd ever want...but only if you follow along with the service that comes behind it..."

Jeff stepped up closer to him a bit and hissed, "What service?"

"In order for your wish to be granted, you'll have to make a contract with me and become a magical girl!"

Jeff Becomes A Magical GirlWhere stories live. Discover now