ch 6. sally the magical girl

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"It looks like you've gotten lucky this time, Jeffrey. It seems another magical girl has come to your aid!"

"That's Sally," Jeff responded to Kyubey's input. "She lives with me at my home but...what the hell is she doing mixed up in all this?"

"Just like you, she made a contract with me for a wish, and therefore gained the abilities of a magical girl," Kyubey answered. "You should be lucky she did, otherwise, you might have gotten creamed."

The new arrival that happened to be Sally Williams soared through the air with the bow raised and aimed repeatedly at the wraith, causing it to shriek and cower in pain.

The arrows embedded themselves into its body, and the wraith began to actually dissolve within itself, no longer being able to withstand the force of Sally's attack.

"No fair!" Jeff growled as the beast fell before him, "How could she take it out but I couldn't ?!"

"Sally's been a magical girl for quite the while now, so she has more experience than you do," Kyubey sighed, "you still did pretty well for your first time though."

Once the wraith was fully destroyed by Sally's attack, a shiny ornament of some sort fell from its remnants and Sally quickly flew after it, grabbing it in her hands before it fell down to the bottom of the tower.

Jeff saw that the whole place was beginning to dissolve into itself, and the last thing he saw before it all disappeared was Sally looking over at him.



Jeff turned, noticing that the whole labyrinth was gone and he was back in the woods again before the same tree he and Kyubey had entered before.

He looked up and saw Sally Williams standing before him, looking at him curiously with a smirking Kyubey settled on her shoulder.

"Jeffy...? What...what are you doing here?" Sally asked, tilting her head, and Jeff slowly pulled himself up, rubbing his head. "That's what I should be asking you. Shouldn't you be back home at the mansion?" Jeff growled, glaring at the girl.

Sally shrugged and murmured, "Yes but...Kyubey used telepathy to call me over saying that you needed help...I didn't know you were a magical girl..."

Jeff scoffed and crossed his arms, "I only did it for the knives and the fighting. Not the whole weird other girly stuff..."

Sally giggled and pulled something out from the side of her dress that was now normal again. It was the ornament she had grabbed from the fallen wraith.

"Here's your Grief Seed, Jeffy. You use it to clean your Soul Gem," She said, and Jeff thanked her, taking the seed and examining it.

Sally guided him in showing him how to clean his Soul Gem with the seed; his Gem was very dark with corruption due to how much power he had used. Once it was cleaned. He returned the Soul Gem to his pocket. (he was wearing his normal attire then.)

"So that we're both magical girls, does this mean we get to go on missions together, fighting wraiths!?" Sally asked, looking at her companion elatedly. "It would be good to team up. The more forces fighting, the better," Kyubey put in, wagging his tail.

Jeff sighed and shrugged, not seeing why it would be a bad idea to have Sally fight beside him. He would've rather do the job alone, but to his disappointment, she was much stronger than him and he would have a better chance of survival with her at his side.

"Fine, you can join me, but no showing off just because you're better at the job," Jeff mumbled, glancing back at Sally. The girl cheered and grinned widely at him, clapping her hands together in excitement. "I won't Jeff! I'll do my best, fighting beside you. After all, we're both magical girls now, aren't we?"

"Yeah yeah yeah..." Jeff replied. He reached into his hoodie and took out the new knife he had wished for, examining it closely and thinking.

"Say, now that all the magical girl jazz is over for the night, whadya say we go out killing together?" He asked, smirking at Sally. Sally's face turned a bit worried and she murmured, "But a goddess told me that we shouldn't-"

Jeff raised a hand and snickered, "Who cares what that goddess said? We're killers and this is what we do, no matter who says what, you got me Sal?"

Sally slowly nodded and Jeff held out his hand to her, putting on a grin. "So now again Sally, what do you say to a few kills tonight?"

Kyubey skittered and hopped up onto Jeff's shoulder, looking at Sally with his unchanging grin. He didn't seem to care what they did or what they didn't do. He was just glad they had both made deals with him and became magical girls.

Sally looked at the two for a bit before finally reaching out and taking Jeff's hand. "Alright Jeffy, I'll go killing with you. Just make sure you tell Slendy that I've been with you the whole time and we've only been hunting."

"Of course~" Jeff replied, and the two began to walk off with Kyubey accompanying them, through the dark silence of the woods.

To be continued...

Mahou Shoujo ! Magical Girl ~ !

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