ch 5. jeff the ̶k̶̶i̶̶l̶̶l̶̶e̶̶r̶ magical girl

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". . . . . . ."

Jeff looked down at himself in utter despair.

"What the fuck am I wearing!?"

It was a long frilly gray and black dress with a golden operator symbol pinned to center and all sorts of knives strapped across his chest area. On his back, he felt the weight of something heavy, and he pulled it into view to see that it was a giant knife.

Jeff quickly turned to Kyubey and the creature's ears twitched in acknowledgement. "That's your magical girl outfit of course! I find that it suits you pretty well."

"I'm wearing a dress."


Kyubey seemed sincerely confused as to why Jeff was complaining about what he was wearing, and Jeff groaned in frustration. "Dumb alien cat. You don't get anything, do you?"

"I'm not from this planet, and even though we've studied you humans from the beginning of this world, we could still never fully understand your ways and your plights."

Kyubey then spun around and started padding off in a random direction, whisking his tail at Jeff, "Now, we don't have much time Jeff. Please follow me as I lead you to the place the wraiths will strike first."

"Who said I was finished talking with you!?" Jeff snapped, but Kyubey had already sprinted through the bushes towards the destined location. Jeff sighed and dashed after Kyubey, carrying his new giant knife with him in his hands.


"Here we are, Jeffrey. This is an opening to the labyrinth of one of the incoming wraiths."

[I'm making their encounter just like the witches.]

Jeff saw that he and Kyubey stood before a single tree that had an area of it that was a bit distorted. It was glowing and shifting weirdly, making the space look like a portal to elsewhere.

"The wraith is in there," Kyubey said, "you'll have to go in there and take it down, collecting a Grief Seed from if. Grief Seeds keep your Soul Gem clean and pure, for if your Soul Gem gets too contaminated, it will become dirty with corruption and it will kill you in time. That's why it is important for you to fight the wraiths and collect the seeds from them."

"'re just gonna stay behind and wait for me?" Jeff asked. "I'll come with you, if you want, but I will be of no help to you in battle. I can only sit aside and watch," Kyubey replied lightly. "Great. Honestly, what else was I supposed to expect from you," Jeff muttered.

He faced the entrance to the labyrinth and stood, watching it for a while before taking a deep breath and stepping in.

Jeff went right through the tree and came out on the other side into a strange new world. It was like a dark tower with spinning stairs running every which way along the walls. Pictures spun around in midair, and tiny demon-like creatures ran around laughing and screaming like mindless fools. There were stars falling from above that crashed nearby and around Jeff, and dancing silverware all along the stairs.

"What the heck..." Jeff mouthed, stepping forwards into the tower. Kyubey leaped up onto Jeff's shoulder and whispered, "The other labyrinths are very similar to this-they're confusing, out of place, and they make no sense, but that's just to distract you. You have to focus and find the wraith! Be hasty!"

Jeff nodded and started for the staircase that was closest, running at full speed and jumping onto the moving steps. "I've never run this fast before!" Jeff shouted, rushing up the winding tread, amazed by this unnatural speed he'd never attained before.

Jeff Becomes A Magical GirlWhere stories live. Discover now