ch 2. jeff ' s wish

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"What...what did you say?"

Kyubey's tail gently swished to the side and curled behind him again as he looked up the frozen Jeff. "I said," Kyubey started again, "Make one wish, and you will be able to become a magical girl."

"...A magical WHAT now?"

Kyubey sighed and shook its head, "You're not the finest for listening, are you?" Jeff stared at the creature in silence for a good while before tightening his fists at his sides and crooking his head at an unnatural angle.

"You've got one fucked up brain if you think I'm a girl. Can't you see I'm a guy?" He growled, feeling slightly offended. "Truly?" Kyubey responded, his voice monotonous. "Usually, my species only make contracts with young female humans, as they are the perfect vessels for countering entropy. Yet...if you say you are a male, you have a strange amount of potential for becoming a magical girl...even more than some other females I have encountered before..."

"What the fuck is a magical girl? Is this some dumb childish princess shit? I feel like Sally is behind this..."

Kyubey's ears flopped upwards at the mentioning of 'Sally'. Jeff shot a glare at Kyubey's sudden action and without another second to spare, he darted at the creature, reaching and quickly sweeping it up off the ground by its neck, holding it out in front of him.

"You know Sally has something to do with this, huh? Is this some sort of game? What the hell are you!?" Jeff snarled, squeezing its neck. "As I've stated before, I'm not a toy, nor am I a fake setup. I am a true being that's asking you to make this contract with me," Kyubey answered, seemingly unaffected by being strangled.

"What contract!?"

"I offer you a wish, and you become a magical girl! You'll be given the power to fight off evil wraiths that torment your world by entering into their labyrinths and taking them on. For your benefit though, you will be allowed to wish for anything you want."

Kyubey squirmed out of and escaped Jeff's tight grasp, then swiftly padded along his arm and onto his shoulder, simply taking a seat. "You have a wish, don't you, Jeffrey?"

"For one, quit calling me Jeffrey. I go by Jeff for short," Jeff muttered, glancing frustratingly at the being that sat on his shoulder, "second, I already have everything I could wish for. I don't need your dumb contract."

"Are you sure?" Kyubey asked, resting his tail on Jeff's head. "You could ask for anything you'd want, and I'd grant it for you. You could ask for all the knives you could ever want-or you could wish to be the best Killer amongst all. You could be the could wish to be could ask for world domination! Anything you could ever want is at your fingertips right one wish, you could make that happen, but don't forget what you will be bound to after making your wish-you will have to spend the rest of your life fighting wraiths while still trying to obtain the life you have now."

Jeff let Kyubey's words linger for a moment and settle in his head. This crazy cat-being was offering him a chance to wish for whatever the hell he wanted...not only that, but he would even gain the power to fight wraiths? Whatever those were.

All to admit, he did not like the idea that Kyubey suspected him of being a girl, but what did it matter, really? An impossible wish and more bloodshed? It all sounded pretty good to our infamous psychopath.

But what would he wish for...?

"I'll...make the stupid contract with you," Jeff finally breathed out, and Kyubey nodded, jumping from off of his shoulder and onto the ground before him. "Good choice! Now, do you have your wish? Remember, you only get one."

Jeff looked away in thought, thinking of the many things he could possibly wish for. "You sure...I can wish for anything?" Jeff asked, glancing back at Kyubey, and the small being nodded its head, seemingly eager for him to decide.

"Hmph, fine. I wish..."

Jeff thought again before continuing. Running through all his possible options, thinking of things that would actually be meaningful to him. "Something to improve my killing...something to make the others fear me...more than they fear Slenderman..."

Jeff took a deep breath before responding to Kyubey.

"I wish everyone in the world to fear me...for the power to strike fear into people's' hearts and to have the ability to make them surrender and listen to me..." Jeff smirked and continued, planning to cram his whole master plan into one wish. "I want everyone I live with to treat me like the boss, not Slenderman. I want amazing power that no one else could ever imagine attaining. I want to be the most feared Creepypasta of all the others, and I want them to do whatever I tell them too-me as their leader. I wish for world domination!"

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Kyubey asked, his ears slowly raising.

Jeff snickered and shoved his hands into his pockets, grinning widely at Kyubey. "Hah....nah. Just give me a really cool looking knife and maybe some fire power? That'll do."

Kyubey tilted its head at Jeff. It may not have any emotions whatsoever, but it did seem unamused with Jeff's nonsense. "Jeffrey Woods, this isn't a game. What do you really want?"

"I told ya, a really cool knife and maybe some fire power. It'd be cool to control fire, wouldn't it?"

"Maybe so! But now that you've made your decision, it's time!"

Kyubey flicked his ears upwards and his eye shined as a bright light formed between him and Jeff. Jeff stared at the small ball of light as it moved towards him and slowly entered into his chest.

Jeff felt a wave of pain surge through him, and he only managed to stay up for a few seconds before allowing himself to collapse as the beam penetrated his body. The last thing Jeff saw before it took him over was the scene of the light before him and everything fading into white...

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