ch 4. the wishes came true !

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"Jeffrey? Jeffrey! Hello?"

At the sound of the voice calling him, Jeff's slowly sat up from where ever he was laid on the ground. His vision slowly began to come back to him, and he found that he was still in the same area he was before, with Kyubey still present and standing next to him, his tail swishing from side to side.

"Oh good, you're back," Kyubey sighed, tilting his head, "I find it strange how you don't close your eyes when you aren't conscious-you lack eyelids unlike every other mortal being."

"That's because I cut 'em off," Jeff muttered, getting up from the floor and dusting himself off. "It's a long story. Now, about what you promised me...this so called 'wish' and powers and whatnot. I'm guessing it was just some big prank huh?"

Kyubey skittered around Jeff's legs in a circle and exclaimed, "I wouldn't call it a prank if what I said came true."

Kyubey suddenly jumped up at Jeff and slid though his hoodie, making Jeff shout out in shock. Out of his hoodie fell a different knife that he'd never seen before, sharp with a golden blade and the red markings of a dragon-like symbol engraved on it. Along with that, some weird rock-like ornament that glowed an obsidian black toppled onto the ground beside it.

Jeff bent and picks up the knife as Kyubey slipped from out of his hoodie. "This's fucking amazing..." Jeff murmured, examine its features. "If I got this then that means..."

Jeff's eyes widened more than they already were and he held out his hand, feeling a warm sensation tingling within them. "No way..."

He turned to a nearby tree and held out his arm, slightly straining his hand as he felt a heated rush running through it. His arm began glowing and flames began to formate around it, sparking up like a burning campfire. "It actually worked! I-It worked!" Jeff stammered, watching the fire burning from his hand in amazement.

"I told you!" Kyubey chirped, wagging his tail, "now that your wish has been granted, you must hold up your end of the deal. Look here, Jeffrey."

Jeff extinguished the fire and looked to where Kyubey padded to. Kyubey nudged at the glowing rock ornament on the ground and Jeff bent down, picking it up in his hand and glaring at it strangely. "What is it?"

"That is your Soul Gem. It protects your weakly human body from getting badly hurt when fighting wraiths. A normal human would die almost instantly or suffer immense pain from one simple injury caused by a wraith, but a magical girl is much stronger and more protected with their Soul Gem. It's important that you always keep that with you, no matter where you go."

"Alright then," Jeff answered, putting the relic away in his pocket, "What else do I need to do-about fighting wraiths and such?"

"First, you might wanna have out that Soul Gem again. It will help you in making your transformation, and then we can head to your first labyrinth!" Kyubey stated, and Jeff quickly pulled out the Gem again. He stared at it as it glowed, and then his fist tightened around it.

Light phased out from the relic upon his gesture and surrounded Jeff fully. He began to change, in midair, the Soul Gem reforming him into his one and only-

Magical girl form ! ☆

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