Mama's Wrath

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I'm a Chinese American girl. You know what that means? Strict parents, yep! My mama is in the principal's office of a school I just started last month called James Buchanan High School, I'm doing bad in a class or two. Mama's mad at me.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Ling, Mei has to be in a remedial class or she fails."

"Why? She smart girl! I push her and push her study, yeah."

"She was doing fine until she took her second test, she said herself word problems weren't her strong suit. She just needs some help with the content. Not all Asians are born to be smart Mrs. Ling."

"Don't question my ways gweilo!"

Gweilo is the Chinese word for white man. Mama mumbles something in Chinese.

"Wǒ de yǎngyù shì nǐ de shì!"

Translation: My parenting is none of your business!

"No man likes a wife who no smart!"

"All we're doing is helping her, we're putting her in Mr. Gabe Kotter's class, he is a good teacher, his class is also very diverse so don't worry about racism."

"We should've went back to China, she can be taught better!"

With what? Caning for not getting a problem right? "No pain, no gain," am I right? Not!

Mama walked out.

"Mei Ling, don't expect dinner when you get home, you go to bed without!"

"Yes Mama."

We left for home. The entire weekend, I was buried in my books. Mama said "study more important than fun!"

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