End Of Episode

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All of us were in class, Mr. Kotter walked in.

"Alright, let's ge-"

Vinnie raised his hand.

"What Vinnie?"

Vinnie stood up, a sad look on his face.

"Mr. Kotter, I have this friend who's parents won't accept for who he or she is. Expectations are high, he or she is on the verge of a mental breakdown. What can I do to help?"

"Well, Vinnie, tell your friend to speak up for him or herself. Confront them if it's that bad. If that doesn't work, you can go to therapy, pressure the parents if needed to come with. It's understandable that parents are not the perfect parents, it all depends."

I raised my hand.

"Yes Mei?"

"Depends on what Mr. Kotter?"

"It depends on their childhood or just traditional beliefs. So, Vinnie, tell your friend not to worry."

"Yes sir."

Vinnie sat back down, smiling at me.

A New Sweathog (A Welcome Back, Kotter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now