End Of Episode

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We went to Vertoli's for dinner. Vertoli walked to us.

"Evening everybody, what'll it be huh...Vinnie may I talk to you?"

"Vertoli, if it's about Mei, then I refuse to talk to you, simple."

"Just serve us Vertoli," I said.

"Listen man, you don't like Asians, don't ban them from their right to eat a delicious meal, at the very least keep your prejudice to yourself. Do your job, bring us food no matter what we look like or where we come from. Mei's a nice girl once you get to know her, she's has guts this girl," Vinnie said.

"Alright, welcome to my restaurant Mei, what'll it be for you guys?"

"A large cheese pizza and the all you can eat breadsticks deal."

"You got it."

He left to get us our food.

"That wasn't so bad," Vinnie said.

"At least he let me in," I said.

"We can all eat until we explode," Horshack said.

He laughed.

"Them breadsticks will be the end of me," Juan said.

"Same," Boom Boom said.

We laughed. 

When I got home, my mother was waiting.

"Where you been?"

"At the library studying."

She nodded. 

"Why you clutch your stomach?"

"Maybe it's my time of the month cramps."

Vinnie told me the second rule to rebellion...Lie. I was full from the food.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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