Kisses And Racists

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All of us Sweathogs were hanging out outside of class before the bell rings. 

"Did you do your homework Mei?" Juan asked me.

"Yes why?"

"I didn't."

I chuckled.

"I'll let you copy off mine."

I took my bag out and got my paper. As soon as that happened, Mr. Kotter passed by us.

"Mei, Juan, don't even think about it."

He unlocked the door to the classroom.

"Sorry," I said.

"Aw don't worry about Mei."

Then, Vinnie slide to our part of the hallway and started dancing.

"I said Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Barrino. Ah Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Barrino. Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Barrino! Barbarino, Barbarino, Barbarino, Barbarino! Woo! Barbarino yeah yeah."

"What are you so excited about?" Juan asked.

"I got a hot date tonight!"

"For the first time this week."

We laughed.

"Aw up your nose with a rubber hose!"

"I'm actually very happy for you Vinnie, it's not like our kiss meant anything."

"Aw come on Mei, we're still best friends!"

"We are!"

"I kissed you because you needed some comfort from your strict parents."

"I know and that was sweet but still, our kiss could've meant something, we would make a cute couple."

Then, Boom Boom walked to us.

"That guy Derek is at it again."

"Aw man. Is he harassing you because of your skin color?"

"Yes, like always."

"That dumb gweilo!"

I wanted to beat Derek up, I started walking but they stopped me.

"Mei, you can't start a fight, we'll get in trouble, plus he's the son of the superintendent."

"Ah, an entitled gweilo."

"Could you stop saying gweilo. What does that mean anyways?"

"It means white man in Chinese, depending of how you use it, it's a racial slur."


The bell rang. We went into class.

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