Rebellion: First Rule

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That afternoon, we were hanging outside of the school. Sweathog's usual hangout.

"I hope Derek don't show up," Boom Boom said.

"He doesn't hang out here anyways," Horshack said.

"He could be anywhere," Vinnie said.

"How about if we calm down and just hang out," I said.

"Mei's right, we shouldn't worry," Boom Boom said.

We stood in silence.

"I know a place where we could hang," Vinnie said.

"Where?" I asked.

"Big Vertoli's place, got pizza, pasta, you name it."

We went to an Italian restaurant I never been to. We sat down at a booth, as soon as we did sit down, a huge and short man walked to us.



They exchanged a big hug.

"Ah boys, what're we having huh-"

Vertoli looked at me.

"Who is this young lady?"

He looked at me like I was an insult to him.

"This is our new friend Mei Ling."

"Pleasure to meet you Mei Ling. Vinnie, can I speak to you after you eat?"

"Yeah sure Vertoli."

"What will it be?"

He took out a note pad.

"A large cheese pizza."


Vertoli walked away while writing the order down.

"He seems to hate me," I said.

"Ah no he don't, he's always like that, he's a grump," Vinnie said.

"You sure?"

"A hundred percent."

He pat me on the back. I looked at my watch.

"I have to go, my parents will be mad when I'm late home from school."

"Mei, you just got here!" Boom Boom said.

"I have to be home at a certain time, I'm so sorry."

I got up and was about to walk away.

"Wait a minute, Mei, sit back down," Vinnie said.


"Ah ah!"

I sat down.

"You're eating pizza with us. You wanna stand up to your parents for how they treat you, let me teach you. Rebellion, rule number one, it's normal for a teenager to rebel every once in a while, especially when it involves parents getting too strict and out of line. When you get home, say you're tired of the way they treat you."

"Asian parents don't mess around!" I said.

"I understand...more importantly, it's alright to speak your mind. Don't let them control your whole life."

I nodded. Our pizza was at our table and we ate.

A New Sweathog (A Welcome Back, Kotter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now