Praying To The King

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After school, sometime later, me and the boys were hanging out in our spot when Derek walked to us.

"Hey, all the colors of rainbow are here, oh wait, there's only black, brown, and white."

"Have you looked up your butt?" Horshack said.

He then laughed.

"Causing trouble again Derek?" Vinnie asked.

"What is trouble?"

"A verb you'll get into if you don't leave us alone," Juan said.

"Shut it you Chicano Jew!"

We all gasped.

"Hey hey hey man, that's too far!" Vinnie said.

"Why don't you shut your pasta slurping mouth before I shove my fist in your mouth, a knuckle sandwich with a touch of garlic."

"Up your nose with a rubber hose!"

Horshack got in front of Vinnie.

"Hey why don't take-"

"This doesn't concern you Horseshack."

His eyes widened. I was up this time.

"You insult my friends, you get a piece of me."

"There's no way I'm gonna get beaten up by a little Asian girl, why don't you go to the nearest Chinese place and eat until you puke ok."



"Yes, no, you go or I'll stick a rubber hose up your nose."

"Hey that's my insult, but nevermind," Vinnie said.

"Here's the deal gweilo, you leave, we'll forget about this whole thing."

"How can I forget a bunch of Sweathog lowlifes, ya'll are nothing but a bunch of losers who will live on wellfare after school is done with you"

I put my hands together.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm praying to Bruce Lee, give me the power to kick this gweilo's booty."

The boys smiled.

"Beat em up Mei, show us your kung fu!" Vinnie shouted.

I was ready. 

"You actually know kung fu?" Derek asked.

I nodded, wiped my nose with my thumb like the king used to do, and smiled.

He then ran off.

"Aw man, Mei, you didn't chop em up!" Juan shouted.

"He was chicken to face me. Next stop, Vertoli's."

"Wait...what?" Vinnie asked.

"Why would he ban me for my heritage Vinnie? You told me to stand up for myself."

"Vertoli's a good friend of mine, knew him longer before you guys."

"You can't be friends with someone who hate your other friends, it's him or us Vinnie."

We left.

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