Strict Parents Raise Rebels

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I was the first to be in Mr. Kotter's classroom so I was alone. I try to hide my emotions, Mama said she didn't raise a sissy. I had to be alone to actually express. I just burst into tears. I laid my head down.

I'm a disappointment to my parents because I'm a Sweathog. They wanted me to take AP classes, nothing easier. They're never happy! I bet Mama's talking to her friends at work right now about what a disgrace I am for a daughter, comparing me to their own kids.

I calmed myself down in time for Vinnie to walk in.

"Hey Mei!"

He froze.

"What's a matter babe? You've been crying."

"You know Vinnie, I think, at the salon, my mother is talking dirt about me. Saying what a disappointment I am. Father thinks I'm an ungrateful slut just because you walked me home. He screamed at me in our native tongue, pretty close to slipping his belt off."

"Well, my dad slips his belt off all the time, I'm not scared."

"You're father's mean too?"

"You better believe it."

"Italian parents beat their kids too, even beat their own wives too!"

I started to cry again.

"Ah come on Mei, that was only from The Godfather, we would never hit a woman."

Vinnie put his hand on my shoulder.

"You know what a real Italian American mafia man is?"


"They're sharp dressers, unlike gangsters today, they treat women and family with the proper respect they deserve. Gangsters today have the nerve to pull a gun on a lady. I wish we were back in the 20s and 30s, gangsters were actual gentlemen."

He gave me a gentle hug.

"I wanna take you away from your parents Mei. You and me could go to...I don't know."

"I can't rebel, I'm too scared of my parents."

"You know Mei, strict parents raise the best liars and rebels. You and your kung fu skills can rebel any day."

That was sexy. I pulled him in to kiss me on the lips. Juan walked in on us.

"Well well well Vin, Vinnie and Mei sitting in a tree-"

Vinnie got up, they wrestled, just for fun. Boom Boom walked in.

"Hey guys, break it up, there's ladies present!"

They laughed.

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