Father Please!

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I was walked home by Vinnie.

"So, how was your first day as a Sweathog?"

"It was great!"

"I've always liked it. Mr. Kotter's pretty cool. He was a Sweathog himself you know? He was an original from back in the day."

"That's cool."

"It is cool."

I stopped at my apartment building.

"That's my building. I gotta go home. Thank you for walking me home, that was kind."

"You're welcome, I'm always good with the ladies. Catch you later Mei."

"Bye Vinnie."

He walked away, I looked up and saw Mama glaring at me from my apartment window.

I walked in, Mama stopped me from going any further into the hallway.

"Who that boy!?"

"A boy in my class."

"Your remedial?"


"I assume, he look trouble!"

"He's very nice, and cute too."

"He look Asian, what his name?"

"Vinnie Barbarino. He's not like us, it's Italian."

"Mei Ling, why you talk to him? What if he owns Tommy gun huh? His family take us hostage?"

"He doesn't own a Tommy gun, don't be prejudice."

"Oh, you question me huh!? Question this, stay away from Italy boy! You go study until dinner!"

"Yes Mama."

I went to my room, I sat at my desk. I gazed at all these books my father bought for me stacked neatly on a book shelf. Medicine, math, science, you name it. I opened my science book and looked over it. I buy my own stuff except food and clothes, I have a weekend job as a waitress at a Chinese restaurant, Mama said it fit me, since I'm Chinese. She believes we need to be racially appropriate. I can't have a black, Hispanic, or Italian guys to fall in love with, not even white guys. Mama will soon marry me off to a crazy rich Asian.

At dinner, my whole family ate in silence. Father brought home takeout on the way home from the clinic.

"Tell me about your new class?" Father asked.

"It's ok, nice teacher, diverse classmates."

"Italy boy and blacks and-"

Father interrupted Mama.

"That diverse?"

"Yes, I saw Italy boy walk her home!"


He stood up and he was about to take his belt off.

"Wàng'ēnfùyì de dàng fù!"

Translation: Ungrateful slut!

"Bàba, qǐng!" I yelled.

Translation: Father please!

"Wei! Let's sit down, eat!" Mama stopped him.

Thanks Mama. He sat down, we ate in silence for the rest of the time.

A New Sweathog (A Welcome Back, Kotter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now