Four ~ Rya

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"Motherfucker!" I scream as I throw my hairbrush at Matthew "Stupid, stupid, idiot!"

It crashes off the wall beside his head and he flinches slightly. "We've talked about this!" I shout as I turn away from him to stop myself throwing something else "Stay out of this shit Matthew"

I can hear him groan behind me. His footsteps tell me that he's coming closer to me. It's a risky move.

"Rya" He says softly and I feel his hands on my waist. They trail around to the front of me as he walks until his front is pressed against my back and I'm held tightly against him. "I know what I'm doing"

"No you don't" I tell him exasperated. "You don't have a clue. First it was weed, then ecstasy, then coke, but now it's guns. You're going too deep" He doesn't answer me. I hope its because he knows he's in the wrong. It probably isn't. "You are the lucky one. You have a choice whether or not to have this life. You don't have to become your parents. Not like me"

He still doesn't say a word so I pull myself from his grip. "Go home Matt. Go back to your Aunt Rosalind and stay away from all of this"

We stare at each other in silence. I take the moment to look him over. To watch the way his golden hair shines in the low light, the way his blue eyes mirror the intense gaze I watch him with. 

"Come with me" He says softly. "When I leave. Come with me." I take a step back from him and shake my head. "We could move somewhere completely new, get new names, new jobs, new lives. We could leave all of this behind us"

I laugh coldly. "It's not that easy and you know it" I tell him "My family aren't like yours. They barely let me out of the house without being watched. They know my every move and that's what keeps me alive Matt. Do you know how many people want me dead? If I leave this town with you, I'm handing myself over to them"

He pulls away from me and tugs at his hair in frustration. He walks over to the wall and roars as he punches it. "Why don't you let me in?" He shouts "Why do you always keep me at a distance? What are you so afraid of?"

I glare back at him.

"We're the same, you and I" he says exasperated "When are you going to see that? We both have to live knowing what people think when they hear our names. The things our parents did, we don't have to suffer for them"

I go to answer but he cuts me off "You act like you've had it so hard. Mummy and Daddy were bad so I have to be too. It's pathetic"

"Get out" I snarl at him "Get the fuck out of my house and get the fuck out of my life. You're so fucking blind, you know that? It's over"

He takes one final look at me and turns, leaving me. And I'm alone.


"Mum" I say quietly as I walk through the silent house. The cold keys bite into my hand and the floorboards creak beneath my feet. "Mum" I say louder.

She told me she would be here. Something is wrong.

I move my keys between my fingers and get ready to punch anyone that's in this house.

I step into the kitchen and look around. A steaming mug of tea sits on the counter.

A shrill scream from behind me has me spinning and punching before I even realise what's happening. A hand wraps around my wrist, spinning me back around and holding my makeshift weapon against my chest. "You're getting slow" Mum laughs into my ear.

I pull away and shake my head "Sorry" I mutter and put my keys down on the counter.

Her hand finds mine and she pulls me back to her. "Hey. Don't apologize, just tell me what's got you worked up"

"I'm fine" I tell her trying to untangle my fingers from hers.

She scoffs "Bubbs. You may not think so, but I know you better than you know yourself. That sounds cliche but I'm serious. What happened?"

"I broke up with Matthew" I say. "I think it's for real this time"

She holds me in a bear hug for a few seconds. "Oh young love" she mutters "Do you regret it?"

I shake my head "He is a fucking idiot that deserves someone better than me"

Mum pushes me away from her and holds me at arms length. "Better than you? What makes you think that?"

I brush my hair back from my face "Where's dad?" I ask her quickly changing the subject. "I kind of wanted to spend some time with you guys"

Mum nods happily "He'll be home soon. Do you want to watch a movie or something? We can order in Chinese?"

I smile "It sounds perfect"

So that's what we do. Mum and I curl up in the couch together until Dad comes home and sits with us. For a few hours, we're a normal family.

When the movie ends, I realise that the moment has to end. "Dad, do you know when your cousins get here?" I ask him.

They're flying over from Russia at some point this week and nobody is sure why.

He shakes his head "I'm not sure. I haven't really been able to get a hold of anyone. Artie will probably know more than me"

I nod "It will be good to meet them"

He scoffs and it sends a chill down my spine.


If some chapters are showing up twice, I'm sorry. I'm not sure how to fix it yet.

Until next time,

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