: Announcement | New Story :

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Hello guys! So, as the title says, I'm working on a new story. 

I've been slamming my face into a brick wall of writers block for a while now when it comes to 'The Cons of Being Me', so I've decided to take a little break. Don't worry though, I'm still working on reworking the plot and rewriting it so that other characters can play a prominent role.

The story I'm working on will probably be posted on either Wednesdays (alternating with 'Hollow') or Fridays (then it will alternate with 'Cons when that comes back). However, I don't have a date as to when it will come out, the first chapter should be out by March. 

The story, which unfortunately has yet to be named, is based on a rather shitty show called 'The Tomorrow People'. I disliked the show, it was actually one of the worst Science Fiction shows I've seen, but I loved the concept. Give it a better plot, some better actors, and it would've been set for a new season. 

Anyway, its about a new level human evolution, and I have an idea that I kind of just want to run with. I'll definitely be posting more updates about it soon.

Do you guys want to read it? Would you guys even read it? 

Also, just a heads up, Adam's not the main protagonist for once. I decided not to play like a broken record.

The main character is Tyler (Formerly MunchingBrotato), so this should definitely be fun. 

Anyway, thanks for reading this! New chapter will be out on Sunday, since I'm finally going to fall into a schedule. 

- Sky / Saturn

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