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"Yup. We were together for so long that I thought she would never do that to me. How could you love someone and be with them for almost 5 years and then betray their trust in the worst way possible?"

His voice encompasses heartache and betrayal. I really feel for him.

"I wholeheartedly agree. That sort of pain is hard to move on from but eventually, it'll fade until you're happy again. Expectedly, you will most likely have some trouble trusting others and the duration of that period is unpredictable. You could suffer from trust issues for a few months, a few years or longer. The best thing to do is to take it day by day and try not to let it derail you from your routines and hobbies. Things will get easier, I promise." After my reply, there's a long pause and if it wasn't for the sound of subtle breathing, I'd think he had hung up.

"You know, it sounds like you're speaking from experience."

"And it sounds like you're changing the subject." I accuse jokingly, earning me a chuckle.

"I just realised I never got your name."

I catch myself smiling, knowing he's still changing the subject but I don't want to press him on it. If he doesn't want to talk about the pain he's going through right now then I completely understand.


"Macy? I don't know any 'Macys'. My name's Oliver. Anyway, I have to go. Thanks for the advice, I'll just call you back if I need anymore."

"Well actually, if you want to speak to me specifically then you need my referral number which you dial in when the automatic service asks whether you want to enter a referral number or be sent straight through to us."

"Okay, what is it?"


end of call


AN: Sorry that I haven't updated in over a week! I've been moving flats so I've had no time to write! Plus I feel less motivated because I don't think anyone even likes this. However, I'm enjoying writing it and that's all that really matters 🙈 x

Heartache Hotline (Connected #1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now