SELF-SECURITY & FAMILY INTRODUCTIONS || The Birthday Shenanigans (part eleven)

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|| Macy at the top! x ||


Ollie takes another step forward and raises his eyebrow, "Macy? Did you hear me?"

The longer it takes me to respond, the more worried his hazel eyes get. "Yeah, uh thank you."

He grins and white, perfect teeth reveal themselves from behind his full lips, "Of course. How was your birthday yesterday? How are you?" The way he seems so genuinely caring throws me off. I guess I'm not used to it; Jay was never thoughtful or caring when we dated so I haven't felt that from a guy before. And family doesn't count.

Honestly, I've not once thought of myself as stunning. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate how I look. I have always believed that you should love yourself. However, I've never thought I was that pretty, I've always just been content and indifferent, you know?

At least up until Jay cheated on me. My reasons for not expecting it was probably related to my optimism and self-security. Thoughts of him being able to betray me like that never crossed my mind. So, when it happened, it was a huge shock to my system. It made me rethink whether or not I'm good enough.

My fingers instinctively start readjusting my hair before I answer Ollie, "It was good, I just worked and hung out with Ellie. She's the best," I say softly as I watch her across the room, talking and laughing with Theo.

"She seems great, I'm glad you have her." Ollie responds, glancing at her, "Her and Theo are getting along."

A giggle escapes my mouth, "I bet they'll be hooking up by the end of the night."

"I would bet otherwise but I don't want to lose," He laughs. My eyes trail back to him and if I'm not mistaken, he's closer than he was before.

"Can I tell you something?"

Ollie's eyebrow lifts again at my question, "Sure. Wanna grab some food and sit down to talk?"

Agreeing, we both occupy our plates with various finger foods, "Do you want a drink?"

"What is there?"

"We have an open bar, so to speak, over there." I point to the entrance, where a makeshift bar has been set up. This hall doesn't have a kitchen inside of it, so that's where all the drinks are being served.

"Do they serve bourbon?"

"I'm sure."

"Then let's go, I need a drink." He chuckles but I spot the sad truth behind it.

As we walk over, we bump into quite a few people. First, it was Hannah and Casey who were both curious as to who Ollie is; Casey more than Hannah.

After they leave to the food table, we bump into a small group of family including Aunt Marie and two of my cousins, Sam and Isabella. My Uncle Matteo and his partner, Dave are also with them. They're all from my mum's side of the family.

"Is this your new boyfriend?" My Aunt asks me as Sam, Uncle Matteo and Dave greet Ollie with the whole 'bro' hand shake thing. Isabella just awkwardly stands there, sipping on what I assume is alcohol; she is eighteen now after all.

Realising what my Aunt asked, my cheeks flame underneath the makeup that covers them. Luckily, Ollie is too preoccupied to have heard the question. I give my Aunt a hug as I tell her, "He's just a friend."

"Sure he is," Isabella interjects.

I just sigh, hugging her.

"You, Missy, need to shush."

She just shrugs in response and walks off. Alright then, that was weird.

"Don't mind her, she's been in a mood lately." Aunt Marie explains, her mouth curving downwards.

"Do you know why?" I ask, concerned.

"She didn't get into her first pick for University."

"Aw, that sucks. I'm sure she'll love whichever one she does go to. How's Uncle Patrick and John? I haven't seen them tonight." I look around, wondering if maybe I just missed them. Patrick is her husband and John is her other son.

"They're at home, both sick with the flu."

I sympathise and ask how she's been. As she's answering, Ollie comes to stand next to me again and I can't focus on anything other than the feeling of his arm brushing against mine. His warm skin sends goose bumps over my own, causing me to shiver slightly. Breathing becomes a little difficult and soon, I'm excusing Ollie and I out of the conversation.

I need that drink.


AN: This one is slightly longer than the other ones oops 😂

The next update is draaaaammaaaaa


- Chloe x

This chapter is dedicated to Moria987 for reading and commenting! I love you and hope you have an amazing day! ❤❤❤

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