DISCONNECTED (narrative & text)

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Sitting down on my bed, I flip my phone around in my shaking hands. The black screen, indicating that it's off, has been taunting me all week long.

Today is Saturday; marking one week since I found out Oliver is exactly like Jay.

This week has been full of stabbing pains in my chest, aches in my head and sleep deprivation. My anxiety has reach an all time high, taking hold of my heart in a tight fist.

But I need to do this. I need to turn on my phone, check the messages and put in my new sim card with all my contacts already loaded on. I need a fresh start.

One that doesn't include males who like to hook up with girls named Bianca.

Pressing my thumb against the button on the side of my phone, I wait anxiously. As soon as my home screen load up, the device begins vibrating vigorously in my hands.

When the silent buzzing finally stops, I let out a nervous breath as I swipe down my notification bar.

New Messages from Ollie 💗

Following his contact name is Ellie's, my mum's and a number I don't recognise.

Clicking into my inbox, my thumb hovers over Oliver's name before I chicken out and tap on my mum's messages instead.

There are three messages. Two from Wednesday, and the one last from yesterday.

[Sent at 07:54]
Hi Honey It was very nice 2 see U. Hope you're not working yourself 2 hard, U seemed very Stressed when you visited :-)

[Sent at 20:11]
I suppose U must be very busy if you're not on your Phone. Goodnight Massima, hope 2 hear from U soon :-) Love You X X X

[Sent at 17:39]
Hi I'm getting worried about U hun. Hope you're OK :-( X X X

[Sent at 09:48]
Hey mum! Sorry for not responding earlier this week. I've been so busy that I haven't had time to really be on my phone. I'm actually changing my number, felt like a change. I'll message you off of that once I have it sorted 💗 so don't message this number again. Love you!


AN: I'm tired

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