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A small giggle escapes my mouth, "I promise I won't. Okay, so, I have a very very important question for you."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

Making sure my tone is serious and stern, I ask him, "What's your favourite snack food?" In return, Ollie laughs loudly.

"Well, Madam, I enjoy the delicacy of Doritos."

I gasp, "That's disgusting - both your accent and the Doritos! Pringles all the way!"

"I'll admit that Pringles are pretty good, but Doritos are just so much better."

God, he sounds so smug that I can almost hear the smirk he's most likely wearing right now, "Do you know what's better than both of those?"


Yup, definitely smirking. "You wish." I sass back and laugh when he scoffs, "Starbucks."

"First thing's first, that's a drink you idiot - not food. Secondly, could you be any more of a basic white girl?"

"I'm actually a quarter Italian, thank you very much."

"Okay then, could you be any more of a basic quarter Italian girl?"

"Don't be so judgy, the drinks are actually really good."

"Sure they are."

"Hey! Don't knock it until you try it!"

"Okay, okay. You'll just have to take me sometime so you can prove me wrong."

"Maybe I will." I reply, crossing my arms even though he can't see me. When he responds, I can tell he's smirking again. Stupid smirk.

"Alright, it's a date. As friends, of course."


"How does... This Friday sound?"

"That's in two days. I'm, um, busy. You know, assignments and everything."

"Okay, when's your college break?"

"A week after my birthday."

"I guess I can wait a month and a half."

"Okay, let's do it." I say this knowing that we probably won't still be talking then. It's quite a while away; I'm sure he'll have moved on by then and forget all about this agreement.

"Good. I gotta dash, literally. I have running to do."

"Right. Have fun!" 

Laughing, I think about how stupid of an idea that is in this heat.

"I will. Bye!"

end of call


AN: Hey guys, long time no see (sarcasm obviously) 😂👋

As I promised, this chapter is dedicated to...  Universal_King for ALWAYS being the first person to vote and comment when I update. Thank you so much for your support! Your comments always make me laugh (: x Hope you have a fantastic day!

- Chloe x

P.S. Uni starts up again soon (in literally a week) and it's going to be pretty full on since it's my last year, I hope I will be able to still update but idk, my anxiety and ADD will probably get the better of me. I'm sorry in advance, but I will try my best! 🙈

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