STRESS, FAIRY LIGHTS & CABRONES || The Birthday Shenanigans (part six)

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"Stop stressing chica," Ellie grabs me by the shoulders with her petite hands and shakes me, "Everything will go smoothly!"

My golden brown curls bob around when I nod my head and I breathe in deeply, "Okay, okay." And then she's off, continuing what she was doing.

Ellie stayed the night last night after our movie marathon so that she would be here this morning to help me set up. But let's be real, she's more or less my anchor at the moment. After Ollie asked to bring a plus one last night, I said he could and then promptly bid him a good night. An hour or two after our conversation ended, I was still awake with my mind running a mile a minute.

Is he dating someone new?

That one thought kept haunting me as I tried to get to sleep. Eventually I managed to get two hours of sleep in me; along with five cups of espresso.

Whether or not he's dating again shouldn't bother me. We're only friends, I've only known him for a couple months so it really shouldn't be irking me the way it is.

Honestly, it's the main cause of my stress today. I'm stressed about meeting him in person for the first time. I'm stressed about him bringing a date. I'm stressed about seeing all of my family - well, almost all of them. I'm stressed the chance of Jay turning up. He was always more excited about my twenty-first than I was and my parents have considered him apart of the family for the past five years. Even after he cheated, I know they still keep in contact. According to them, they lectured him and ignored him for the first month after our break up before they started talking to him again.

Another reason I'm freaking out is because I have so many friends coming that I haven't seen since my breakup with Jay. Hell, they probably don't even know that we've broken up except for a few of them. Also, speaking of Jay, I haven't heard from him since that time he called me at work and told me he still loved me. That was three months ago now though so he has probably moved on.


Ellie's yelling pulls me out of my thoughts and when I look around the hall, I find her on the other side of it, waving around some LED fairy lights. The hall I - when I say I, I actually mean my parents - hired is big enough for my party, but not massive. It's a pretty classic hall with brown hardwood flooring, off-white walls and a medium-sized stage up the front. The windows are high, lining the two walls on either side of the large double-door entry. We have set up tables throughout the hall for people to sit and eat, which we still have yet to decorate. Then off to the left of the stage, there are bathrooms. Thank God; a place for people to pee, vomit, and hook up in.

Hopefully, not all at once because that's just gross.

"Macy!" Ellie yells again, this time louder.

"Yeah?" I call back, putting down the plastic cups I have in my hands before making my way over to my best friend. I don't really trust drunk people to be handling glass, so that's why everyone will be drinking out of plastic cups and eating off of paper plates. Very fancy, I know. Don't forget about the plastic knives and forks, we wouldn't want somebody to get stabbed while drinking!

Trust me, it's happened before.

When I reach Ellie, her eyes light up - get it, light up. "Can you give me a hand with these chica?"

Grabbing one end of the string of lights, I grin at her and wink, "Of course, Señorita."

Her nose screws up, "Ew, what a weirdo. I'm offended." Both giggling, we begin to wrap the lights around the end beam, "There better not be any cabrónes here tonight."

I have no idea what 'cabrónes' means, but by the sound of her voice, I think I wholeheartedly agree.


AN: Me too, Ellie, me too! (As always, the translation for any foreign words will be in the inline comment section) x

This chapter is dedicated to rainbowcandy869 for reading, voting and commenting on this story, thank you so much! I really hope you're enjoying it so far! (: x

Sooooooo, how is everyone doing? 😊

Also, who's excited for the actual party? 😏 I am muahaha

OH and who's excited for my announcement after the party chapters?

- Chloe x

P.S. If you guys wanna check out any of my other books, I suggest 'The Diary of Hazel' (: It's a lot better than this hahaha

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